Newbie trying to create a hair regimen


On a happy hair journey
Hi, lovely ladies! I'm new to forum... just stumped upon this great site today and had to join.
I have read through many of the threads here esp. the stuff listed on "A Newcomer's Guide to Starting Out" and "LHCF 'SET BACK' PREVENTION 101" but I have to say that I'm suffering some serious information overload at the moment. Still, I am trying to come up with a regimen for my hair. I just want to make sure that I am going in the right direction with this.

My problem with my hair right now is that it is dry (esp. at the ends), uneven, and breaking. I am currently using Dove Daily Moisturise Shampoo and Conditioner, Lustrasilk Aloe Vero Cholesterol, and Doo Gro Medicated Hair Vitalizer. I also finally learned how to curl my hair with a curling iron and flat iron and got a little happy with it -- curling my hair multiple times a week. I get my hair relaxed once a month at most, sometimes once every two months. And I know I deserve a slap on the wrist for this but most nights I sleep with my hair out and un-braided.

My solution is throwing out those products, esp. the Doo Gro stuff because it did nothing but sit on my hair and make it feel oily. And I'm putting the hot irons down, and going to wrap my hair up at night. Also, I seriously need a trim. *sniff*
Ok, so I've read a lot about using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, co-washing, deep conditioning, protein treatments, and so on.
Would it be smart to try all of these things at once or should and wait and add different methods as I go along?
I figure I can:

  • Co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner on my hair every other day and then apply Profectiv Mega Growth Anti-Breakage.
  • Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner at least once a week.
  • Deep condition once every other week.
  • And use a protein treatment once a month.
  • Use protective hairstyles like keeping it in a bun. My hair doesn't seem to want to stay in a braid. :sad:

Here's the products that I have been looking at:

  • Pantene PRO-V Intensive Moisturizing Shampoo
  • Pantene PRO-V Intensive Moisturizing Conditioner
  • Deep Brilliance Mange Leave-In
  • KeraCare Humecto Creme Conditioner
  • Nexxus Emergencée
  • Profectiv Mega Growth Anti-Breakage Strengthener (I've tried this before and my hair seemed to love it.)
Does anyone have any suggestions or think I am going overkill on this?

My goal for 2010 is to go from bob length uneven hair to APL hair. Don't know if it's plausible but I figure it can't hurt to try.
curling my hair multiple times a week. I get my hair relaxed once a month at most, sometimes once every two months. And I know I deserve a slap on the wrist for this but most nights I sleep with my hair out and un-braided.

My solution is throwing out those products, esp. the Doo Gro stuff because it did nothing but sit on my hair and make it feel oily. And I'm putting the hot irons down, and going to wrap my hair up at night. Also, I seriously need a trim. *sniff*
Ok, so I've read a lot about using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners, co-washing, deep conditioning, protein treatments, and so on.
Would it be smart to try all of these things at once or should and wait and add different methods as I go along?
I figure I can:

  • Co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner on my hair every other day and then apply Profectiv Mega Growth Anti-Breakage.
  • Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner at least once a week.
  • Deep condition once every other week.
  • And use a protein treatment once a month.
  • Use protective hairstyles like keeping it in a bun. My hair doesn't seem to want to stay in a braid. :sad:

Here's the products that I have been looking at:

  • Pantene PRO-V Intensive Moisturizing Shampoo
  • Pantene PRO-V Intensive Moisturizing Conditioner
  • Deep Brilliance Mange Leave-In
  • KeraCare Humecto Creme Conditioner
  • Nexxus Emergencée
  • Profectiv Mega Growth Anti-Breakage Strengthener (I've tried this before and my hair seemed to love it.)
Does anyone have any suggestions or think I am going overkill on this?

My goal for 2010 is to go from bob length uneven hair to APL hair. Don't know if it's plausible but I figure it can't hurt to try.

Welcome to the board!:grin:

I'm glad you are going to use less heat and will start tying your hair. Try to use a silk or satin scarf. For your hairs health, PLEASE dont relax once a month anymore. Have you tried steam rollers? They arent damaging to your hair because they use steam heat. You can get nice curls in 10 mins.

Is the antibreakage strengthener a moisturizer? Make sure it is water based so your ends wont dry out. Some people moisturize daily and others do so as needed. Since you plan to cowash eveyr other day you may not need to moisturize daily.

Emergencee is a strong protein and can cause your hair to become more dry. ALWAYS use a moisturizing DC after you use it.

Hopefully someone else can chime in.

Have you read any of sistaslick's articles?

FYI: Emergencee is fierce so be prepared to d/c with an equally fierce conditioner after it.

Also with cowashing everyday, learn how to detangle correctly or you may lose everything you gain.
:welcome: One of the key things that you need to watch for his moisture/portein balance. Some hair loves protein others moisture. If your hair loves moisture you may need to up your deep conditioning to more than every other week. Maybe once a week. Good luck on your journey!
Welcome. This place is wonderful and you'll learn a lot. My suggestion for your regimen is to be patient and give it time to work and see results. I tried to stick with things for each quarter. The first 2 quarters of the year I thought I was focusing on my hair health but even though I grew some hair crazy fast I wasn't using the right products and methods to retain that length. However I learned some great things about nutrition and exercise that I can implement at any time to grow my hair super fast. The second quarter I focused more on the care of my hair. I learned what methods and what products worked best on my hair and I was able to retain my normal growth. I'm almost a my year anniversary on this site. Now that my life is more stable and settled I will be using the nutrition guidelines along with my new methods to hopefully see great growth and results next year.

So continue to look around the site, try to minimize joining bandwagons or if you do join them be realistic about your results. Some methods will not work for you but try to give everything at least a month, although some things you will know right away they don't work for you. I'm a straightened natural, but from being on here for even just a year I've learned that there are some basics that will at least keep you on the right path.

1. Moisturize your ends--with whatever works for you
2. Minimize manipulation-- some people don't comb their hair at all, some only when wet, but I promise if you can minimize the combing, and the yanking you'll see some results
3. Condition, condition, condition-- read through the deep conditioning challenge thread for ideas but be sure to pay attention to protein/moisture balance
4. Nutrition-- doesn't have to be expensive supplements, but balancing out your diet will cure a whole host of hair problems
5. Try not to strip the moisture in your hair when washing-- I prepoo (pre-shampoo conditioning treatment) and then I use a sulfate free shampoo, i can't nix shampoo altogether but you might be able to.
6. Exercise

Its not all about expensive products or supplements. Those six things are really the common ingredients in almost all of the success stories you'll read on the site. Happy Hair Growing (HHG)!!!
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I'm glad you are going to use less heat and will start tying your hair. Try to use a silk or satin scarf.
Just bought myself a satin scarf the other night. :) I've just been throwing it on before bed since I've been too lazy to braid it.

For your hairs health, PLEASE dont relax once a month anymore. Have you tried steam rollers? They arent damaging to your hair because they use steam heat. You can get nice curls in 10 mins.
I never heard of steam rollers before. Where can I buy those? Sounds great since I love my hair curly.

Is the antibreakage strengthener a moisturizer? Make sure it is water based so your ends wont dry out.
I have no idea. All I know is my hair seemed to like it. I put it all over my hair after washing it and then blow dryed my hair.

Emergencee is a strong protein and can cause your hair to become more dry. ALWAYS use a moisturizing DC after you use it.
Mmmm... I guess I'll wait on using that then. I don't really know what it will take to get my hair back to being healthy again without the BC. *shudders*
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Welcome! My strongest advice is to be patient with yourself and with your hair; don't try to do too much too fast. You're in great hands here at LHCF; adhere to the fantastic advice here and success will surely follow!
Just bought myself a satin scarf the other night. :) I've just been throwing it on before bed since I've been too lazy to braid it.

I never heard of steam rollers before. Where can I buy those? Sounds great since I love my hair curly.

I have no idea. All I know is my hair seemed to like it. I put it all over my hair after washing it and then blow dryed my hair.

Mmmm... I guess I'll wait on using that then. I don't really know what it will take to get my hair back to being healthy again without the BC. *shudders*

The emergencee is a good treatment but it can leave your hair dry if you dont use a moisturizing Dc afterwards.

I got my vidal sassoon steam rollers from

Some people use caruso rollers as well. Do a search on them before you buy it.
Welcome to the board. I agree with the advice to be patient and realize that growing hair is hard. I have been doing this for about three years and I still have fairly short hair. Beware of trims or cut happy stylists.

You have most of the advice you need for a good start. Remember deep conditon is your friend. I personally would stay away from strong protein. Very hard on the ends.

It is often difficult for a newbie but try to make your own products too. I am using a mixture of aloe vera, castor oil and water for my detangling.

One other advice. TRY NOT TO BE A PRODUCT JUNKIE, IF YOU CAN. I have what can be considered my personal salon with over 100 products! No kidding. This board will do that to ya. Take it one stride at a time. Visit the Exchange forum if you want to try stuff cheap.
For a regiment these are what I do weekly:

PrePoo conditioner (V05 or a cheapie)

Great shampoo and conditioner (I rotate between Elucense, Design Essentials, Mizani, Keracare, etc.) FYI... I am a true PJ.

Conditioners (Use some of the brands above and others)

Deep Condition (figure if I want to go for moisture or protein and pick one accordingly). I might add some honey and other essential oils. (Note.. this also depends on how much new growth I have like I like castor oil to soften my growth.)

Rinse (I might use my vinegar rinse or cold water for shine or something like that.

Detangler/Moisturizer - Waterbase moisturizer - my mix or Karen body beautiful etc.

Oil - Coconut is my favorite, but I have used avocado, grapeseed, olive oiletc.

Serum - I have used fantasia IC, Paul mitchell, etc

Finally I always rollder set or wrap my hair. I find bad things happen when I dont.

Good luck. Invest in a wide tooth comb and a silk hair cover for nights (cheap at Walmart).
You are on your way.
curling my hair multiple times a week.

Welcome. My bob hair twin, stop that! :wallbash: Then your ends will stop being dry. I used to do this too. I switched to the caruso (steam) rollers, and the sponge rollers they come with are not good for your ends. You have to buy end papers, or do what I do now which is I ditched the sponge rollers that come with the set and bought satin rollers ($2 for a pack of 8) and I use them with duck bill clips. I was just tired of being ambidextrous with the end papers and sponge rollers. Generally what I do is I have about 24 rollers (4 packs) of jumbo and medium size. I steam them for only 2 to 4 seconds (longer = frizz), then hop into the shower. After I get out of the shower and I'm done getting dressed, I take down the rollers. So they set for a little over half an hour. That gives my bob a good "bump".