Newbie--- sorta picsss


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody its nadaa16 and I just wanted to update my bio :drunk:
Ok so over the summer I was pretty active on the board posting and checking but then school started back and things just got so hectic I didn't have time to post or read as much. But nooow since they've come out with the mobile app I am able to post more :lachen:
So here are just some pics of my hair over the past 7 months.

Homecoming (Im in the flower dress)

A week before Christmas puff

New years puff

Right after the new year around the 6 first time straight since homecoming in October

Straight again a few weeks later

And same style just wrapped(excuse the face)

Shrunken Rollersets with velcro rollers about a month or so ago

Had a faux half shaved look here two weeks ago

Last week braidout

And finally my hair right now mini twists that everyone on campus seems to love

****These are just a few plenty more to come when I get to my computer!! :drunk: :drunk: :gorgeous:

Oh just a quick bio: last relaxer was Aug 1 09 bc July 1 current length past shoulder but not quite apl
20 months natural and loving it!
gurl you are giving majah face in the pic with the purple flower, me likey

and im jelly of your cute curly mini twists
I love your hair and the fact that you are getting to know your hair! Congrats it's beautiful! I love the faux hawk, the straight look, and the twists!
Thank you all so much for all your kind words!!! I'm literally cheesing. :)
Hmm as far as my regimen I've just recently been trying to tweak and enhance it. Currently on wash days I prepoo with any combination of olive oil, canola oil, honey, and/or cholesterol. wash once a week with homemade liquid black soap. Dc with motions cpr if my hair seems to need protein or ors replenishing conditioner with added olive oil if it needs moisture. Spray down with a mixture of water, aloe vera gel,and glycerin, Moisture with a modified version of cantu shea butter leave in. And seal with coconut oil or olive oil.
Then style while in the twist Ive also been putting an extra coating of aloe vera since Saturday.
But Im still working on the regimen so any suggestions are greatly appreciated! :yep:
20 months natural and loving it!