newbie...sort of (with progress pics)


New Member
Hi, my name is carisa, i am just signing up 2 tha site but ive been lurking in for a little over a year now. I am so glad i found u all to help with my hhj because lord knows this it has been a challenge!


pic 1- 8/26/09, EL, cut hair due to chewed up ends from perming, coloring, and a bad weave installation, overall lack of care :nono:

pic 2, (1/13/10)

pic 3- (9/17/2010)

pic 4- (9/17/10)

pic 5 - 9/17/10 (i think i am arm pit lenght- this is the straightest i could get it, and its still very bushy, my flat iron is a lil rusty lol)
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It looks like you are posting a link to your C drive on your PC, which we can't see. You have to upload it "from" your C drive. I haven't been to the upload pics screen since the upgrade on here but it should be something asking you to upload pics. Just browse to where you pics are and select them and hit upload. Just going by memory, so I hope that's correct info I'm giving you.

Good luck!
ok i think the pics r finally showin with the pikistrips thing (im very computer illiterate lol)
thank u sheba1, i am also with the military style retention! I will be wearing my wigs for at least the next year maybe even beyond
Thanks ladies. And to CA* nappy my regimen is really simple-

no heat for 1 year (except under dryer for deep conditioning)
braids (cornrows or plaits) 3 weeks out tha month (i only let my mama do my cornrows cause she doesnt do them to tight and pull my edges)
Wigs over my braids (no sew ins or microbraids though- ive gotten to much breakage from sew ins and microbraids are just annoying and too much work)
1 week out of the month I keep my hair out so i can perm or use protein treatments at that time.
I deep condition 1-2 times a month (with neutrogena triple moisture, nexxus, and many others- i have like 20 conditioners here rite now lol)
I also baggy while in braids or when hair is loose 1x a week
perm every 3 months (designers touch, elasta qp, vitale, mainly lye relaxers)
protein treatment every 3 months (i use aphogee 2 step and i dont get them ofter because i eat alot of protein already)
vitamins (natures bounty- hair, skin and nails) daily
use leave in conditioners such as infusium 23 when i remember (which is usually about 3 or 4 times a week)
use coconut oil (when bagging, sealing or deep conditioning)
No trimming or brushing
No coloring
Satin/silk pillowcase
I also made my own hair lotion with olive and coconut oil, nettle, horsetail, water, emulsifying wax, msm sulfur powder, glycerin, hydrolyzed wheat, and allantoin to use on my braids whenever

In the future i will exercise, drink water, eat healthier, and put conditioner on my hair ends before perming and see does that help speed up growth or help with retention
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Welcome! your hair has made a complete 360! congratulations and much continued success on your healthy hair journey.
:welcome: Amazing progress! Seems you like you've got protein-moisture on point and the internal and external aspects of hair care. Your plan to increase water intake, exercise and eat healthier will definitely yield even more success! :yep:
thank u all! and halee i love your hair - its very pretty, u have had really good progress this year also!
somewhat andromeda, im still workin on that moisture part, im looking at threads for moisturizers because i like the ntm and nexxus but i want to explore other options to see if they will work better
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