Newbie Saying Hi!!!


Hello everyone,

I've been lurking around different hair boards--especially lhcf--for a while but have always been too scared to actually post:perplexed. In fact I've never posted on a discussion board b4. This post is definitely a first step for me and I hope to learn much much more.

Right now, my hair is neck-length. I can finally put it in a ponytail. I stopped perming last year (end of March) and texturized Nov. 05 at a salon with Dudley's mild. I re--texturized again in March by myself with Elucence and it came out pretty good. I never realized how long hair took to grow!!! I really underestimated how many years of growth I actually had on my head (from my current rate, I am guessing about two years). I am also learning conversely how much my hair was breaking (even though I thought I was taking care of it)...If I actually retained as much growth as I 've acheived this year, I would have been all good. Anyway hope to have many conversations with you all and talk to you later.

Hi Africa, and welcome to the board!

This is definately the place to learn about our hair...any questions you have, these ladies can answer.

Happy hair growing! :)
Welcome Africa!!!!!!:D Love your avatar YaYa is and forever will be my favorite ANTM even though I stopped watching the show after she didn't win!!!!!!!!!!!:D
to LHCF, africa! :wave: