Newbie Saying Hi and Needing Help!!!!!


New Member
Hi Everyone,

First let me say I am excited. This is my first post. I lurked for a very long time before I joined and have learned so much from you wonderful ladies. I am ready to be one of Nikko's cousin. :grin:

I am currently APL (maybe a little longer) and my hair is very under processed. I tried to relax my hair after going almost 2 yrs without a relaxer. I relaxed in sections and I am basically texlaxed and I hate it :wallbash: My hair texture does not look good at all texlaxed. It just looks a puffy, mess. I have relaxed my hair successfully many times. This time my hair is being very resistant. I want my straight relaxed hair again and need to do a corrective.

My questions:

1. What relaxer would you suggest? I used SE Lye regular. I want something that is going to get it straight, won't damage my hair, or burn my scalp. I am currently 6 weeks post and will wait at least another 6 before I go to my hair dresser and let her do it. I learned my lesson. I am going to continue to do my hair regimen, DC and protein treatments to make sure my hair is strong.

2. I read that you can apply SAA or Chi Silk Infusium on your previously processed hair to protect it from being damaged from the relaxer.
Will this cause the hair to be texlaxed again?

3. What protein treatments do you suggest I use to build my hair up before the big day? I used Nexxus Keraphix reconstructor for 5 mins and then a moisturizing DC. For protein DC I use ORS Hair Mayo mixed 1 pkg gelatin, melted EVCO, and Castor oil. I DC for at least 20 with a heat cap followed by a moisturizing Dc. My hair feels strong and soft after.

4. Has anyone tried using the gelatin pkgs mixed with water like an Aphogee treatment? I read somewhere a lady did but I can't find any other reviews.

Please help ladies. TIA
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I am a natural now, but the last relaxer I ever did was the Phytospecific relaxer. It was very good, BUT expensive. If I was still relaxing, I would be using it. Other ladies experienced in this area will advise too. Good Luck.
Hey :welcome:to LHCF let me try to answer some of your???

My questions:

1. What relaxer would you suggest? I am texlaxed and have been thinking of going bone straight also and here are some of the relaxers that I would try! ORS no lye relaxer and hawaiin silky!
I also heard that Mizani butter blend lye gives very straight and bouncy results (I used this relaxer to texlax also .....I just did not let it process to long but it left my hair beautiful shiny and with alot of bounce....maybe you should also get it done by a proffesional since you proberbly had super thick new growth and its easy to leave hair underprocessed!

2. I read that you can apply SAA or Chi Silk Infusium on your previously processed hair to protect it from being damaged from the relaxer.
Will this cause the hair to be texlaxed again? I don't think it's going to get your hair texlaxed again if you only apply a lil amount but I hope others will chime in also!!!!
3. What protein treatments do you suggest I use to build my hair up before the big day? I used Nexxus Keraphix reconstructor for 5 mins and then a moisturizing DC. For protein DC I use ORS Hair Mayo mixed 1 pkg gelatin, melted EVCO, and Castor oil. I DC for at least 20 with a heat cap followed by a moisturizing Dc. My hair feels strong and soft after.

I would also suggest Aphogee two min kerantin it's really great for breakage and I also use aphogee hard protein treatment every six too eight weeks! But your protein regi sounds pretty good...Consistency is the key !!!
4. Has anyone tried using the gelatin pkgs mixed with water like an Aphogee treatment? I read somewhere a lady did but I can't find any other reviews. No I have not tried that one yet....but I am sure someone will answer this for you!
Please help ladies. TIA[/quote]
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Hey girl, I don't have any advice I just wanted to say welcome to the board!

I am sure some ladies will chime in though.
Welcome to the board. SE is pretty good but is best for those that don't like bone straight hair. I've read that many people get underprocessed with this.

I'd like to hear some responses as well although I was looking at Mizani Butter Blends.
I am going to switch relaxers in June this year because I want to be bonelaxed personally.
Hey :welcome:to LHCF let me try to answer some of your???

My questions:

1. What relaxer would you suggest? I am texlaxed and have been thinking of going bone straight also and here are some of the relaxers that I would try! ORS no lye relaxer and hawaiin silky!
I also heard that Mizani butter blend lye gives very straight and bouncy results (I used this relaxer to texlax also .....I just did not let it process to long but it left my hair beautiful shiny and with alot of bounce....maybe you should also get it done by a proffesional since you proberbly had super thick new growth and its easy to leave hair underprocessed!

2. I read that you can apply SAA or Chi Silk Infusium on your previously processed hair to protect it from being damaged from the relaxer.
Will this cause the hair to be texlaxed again? I don't think it's going to get your hair texlaxed again if you only apply a lil amount but I hope others will chime in also!!!!
3. What protein treatments do you suggest I use to build my hair up before the big day? I used Nexxus Keraphix reconstructor for 5 mins and then a moisturizing DC. For protein DC I use ORS Hair Mayo mixed 1 pkg gelatin, melted EVCO, and Castor oil. I DC for at least 20 with a heat cap followed by a moisturizing Dc. My hair feels strong and soft after.

I would also suggest Aphogee two min kerantin it's really great for breakage and I also use aphogee hard protein treatment every six too eight weeks! But your protein regi sounds pretty good...Consistency is the key !!!
4. Has anyone tried using the gelatin pkgs mixed with water like an Aphogee treatment? I read somewhere a lady did but I can't find any other reviews. No I have not tried that one yet....but I am sure someone will answer this for you!
Please help ladies. TIA

Thanks for answering my questions.

1. I've read the reviews for Mizani BB and they were good. I am pretty sure that was the problem. I know my new growth was really thick. That's why I relaxed in sections but it didn't work. I don't know of anyone here to apply my relaxer and don't trust many people either. I'll probably just have to take that 2 1/2 ride home to see my old stylist. She was good and I trust her.

2. I hope it doesnt texlax again. I want the added protection to my previoulsy processed hair.

3. I actully have the Aphogee 2 Min reconstructor and never used it. It has mineral oil in it and I'm trying to stay away from that. So far I like the Nexxus Keraphix. If that stops working, I may try the Aphogee.
Welcome to the board. SE is pretty good but is best for those that don't like bone straight hair. I've read that many people get underprocessed with this.

I'd like to hear some responses as well although I was looking at Mizani Butter Blends.
I am going to switch relaxers in June this year because I want to be bonelaxed personally.

I read mixed reviews about SE. Some people loved it and others got under processed hair. I've used a lot of relaxers and they have all pretty much worked except this one. My hair is so under processed it is pitiful. I wish you luck on your relaxer switch. If you find a good one let me know.
Welcome! You seem to have your reggie down pat. Only thing though, I use Keraphix as a mild protein treatment for 15 minutes with shower cap not 5. I also use SE Lye relaxer but MILD not regular.
Welcome! You seem to have your reggie down pat. Only thing though, I use Keraphix as a mild protein treatment for 15 minutes with shower cap not 5. I also use SE Lye relaxer but MILD not regular.

Thanks for your input. This was my fist time use Keraphix for 5 mins. I just bought it and liked it. I only used it for 5 mins to try it out and I did a protein treatment with ORS Hair Mayo mixed with gelatin, CO, and EVCO and left that on for 15 to 20 mins with a heating cap maybe 3 to 4 days earlier. I didn't want to over do the protein. I plan on trying the Keraphix as a mild protein treatment also. Have you had any problems using Keraphix?
Thanks for your input. This was my fist time use Keraphix for 5 mins. I just bought it and liked it. I only used it for 5 mins to try it out and I did a protein treatment with ORS Hair Mayo mixed with gelatin, CO, and EVCO and left that on for 15 to 20 mins with a heating cap maybe 3 to 4 days earlier. I didn't want to over do the protein. I plan on trying the Keraphix as a mild protein treatment also. Have you had any problems using Keraphix?
i've never had a problem with Keraphix. I use it as a mild protein treatment every 4 weeks followed by a moisturizing dc. I don't suggest you do another protein treatment following it cause that's too much and unnecessary.
i've never had a problem with Keraphix. I use it as a mild protein treatment every 4 weeks followed by a moisturizing dc. I don't suggest you do another protein treatment following it cause that's too much and unnecessary.

Thanks, I will try that next time.
Hi Everyone,

First let me say I am excited. This is my first post. I lurked for a very long time before I joined and have learned so much from you wonderful ladies. I am ready to be one of Nikko's cousin. :grin:

I am currently APL (maybe a little longer) and my hair is very under processed. I tried to relax my hair after going almost 2 yrs without a relaxer. I relaxed in sections and I am basically texlaxed and I hate it :wallbash: My hair texture does not look good at all texlaxed. It just looks a puffy, mess. I have relaxed my hair successfully many times. This time my hair is being very resistant. I want my straight relaxed hair again and need to do a corrective.

My questions:

1. What relaxer would you suggest?
Hi!! ...Okay i use either Hawaiian Silky or Olive Oil. I used Mild in the past to try and texlax. My hair laughed at them both and i now prefer the bone straight look with body so i've up-ed it to Regular. ( go with the strength you want for your hair )

2. I read that you can apply SAA or Chi Silk Infusium on your previously processed hair to protect it from being damaged from the relaxer.
Will this cause the hair to be texlaxed again?

I dont know I've never used either ..I put conditioner on the parts of my hair I dont want the relaxer to be the part of my hair thats already bone straight.

3. What protein treatments do you suggest I use to build my hair up before the big day? I used Nexxus Keraphix reconstructor for 5 mins and then a moisturizing DC. For protein DC I use ORS Hair Mayo mixed 1 pkg gelatin, melted EVCO, and Castor oil. I DC for at least 20 with a heat cap followed by a moisturizing Dc. My hair feels strong and soft after.

Aphogee !!!!! Hardcore...or the 2 minute hair lovessssssssssssss the 2 minute one. I only use the hardcore if i was experiencing toooo much breakage, after make sure to follow u witht he Balencing Moisterizer

Dc. is very variable...whatever I feel like at the time will give me the most moisture.

If what your doing allready works...STICK WITH IT!

4. Has anyone tried using the gelatin pkgs mixed with water like an Aphogee treatment? I read somewhere a lady did but I can't find any other reviews.

No. I've never heard of that.

Please help ladies. TIA

Answers are bolded in red. :)