Newbie saying HELLO


New Member
Hi everyone :newbie: . I have been lurking since Dec. 05:fan: . I stumbled on this sight by accident and it was like the BEST THING EVER. I was addicted since. I just joined today. I have thin hair that I want to make stronger longer and healthier. I have created a fotiki already cause its time to get serious. I am a NeXuS lover. I have adopted new products like surge, MTG, Jojoba oil, and elasta Qp mango butter moisturizer. O yea and vitamins. These products have me on a good start :grin: . I now wash every Sunday and co wash every Wednesday. Thank you everyone for what you have taught me so far . I am so eager to learn so much more.
Welcome! It sounds like you've learned a lot! I also use jojoba oil, and Elasta QP Mango Butter is on my list of things to buy because of this site. I noticed that the relaxed ladies who use jojoba oil and/or mango butter have beautiful hair. Sounds like you're on your way to have the hair you want!