Newbie ????'s


New Member
Hi Ladies,

I am so excited I was a lurker for a lil while but couldn't stand it I had to post. Okay well here is the scenario, I just recently started taking care of my hair. It is damaged from coloring and my home perming endeavors. My regimen is as follows:

Shampoo w/Dove moisturizing shampoo
DC w/ africa's best organics hair mayo
Apply leave in profectiv breakthrough w/surge moisturizing lotion

That is it. My questions are: How soon should I see results so that I can know when a specific product isn't working for me? My hair is looking as if i don't even have a perm so should I go to a salon and get this corrected or just roll with the flow and texlax my new growth. I am just trying to get my hair healthy at this point. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you all for your help. Also I am available for adoption.. Hair sister adoption that is...LOL
I can usually tell its time to switch if a product is not giving me the results that I anticipated. It will be different for each person on knowing when to switch. may become a product junkie:lachen:if you try every product that is suggested on this board:yep:. If your hair happens to like one product..stick with it! that would be my advice. hth!

Welcome Aboard:hug3:
Thanx IS for the help. I do feel myself becoming sort of a product junkie. But I feel that this will stop once I find the products that work for me. I am going to use my current regimen for about a couple of weeks and see how my hair likes it...

First of all, you might want to read this article by Sistaslick if you haven't already. It gives great advice on how tell what your your hair needs, and what its supposed to feel like. Then you can tell if a product worked based on the way it makes your hair feel. After a while, it becomes second nature.

If you look in Sistaslick's siggy, she has a lot of great articles to help in your hair journey. :)
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Hi! I'm new too. What's been helping me to to try hard to be very observant about how my hair behaves when I try somethign new. The easiest thing for me to observe is breakage. I've been using S-Curl for about a year and never noticed it helping, though I did notice that my hair was really soggy because of the humidity. I switched to ORS olive oil lotion and after a couple of days noticed breakage. Turns out that S-Curl works for me, I just need to be careful how much I apply.

I'm not liking the results I get from plain olive oil, so next paycheck I'm going to try coconut oil.

So give your products some time, but keep a close eye on your hair when you start something new.
Hi there welcome!!! I am bumping for your question on under processed hair because I have a simular problem...:prettyplease:


I've only started 2 months so I'm learning the ropes. When I started, I self-relaxed and my hair was underprocessed. I just let it be and labeled it texlaxed. I've been using protective styles everyday and CW 2x a week. I moisturize and then seal with EVOO. Like the other sistas have said, you'll just "know" if your hair likes what you are doing to it. Sounds weird- and it did to me at first, but it is so true!

Also, take pics!!!! You won't convince yourself that your hair is improving without the pics!!!!!!

Hi, I'm a Newbie! But I have been lurking on the website and taking some of the suggestions for about 2 years now :user: