Newbie Question: Same Hair As Childhood?

After lurking for several weeks I am finally coming in to say hello and join in on the wonderful threads here and learn from all you wonderful ladies. I have a question about hair types that I couldn't find in the search function. A little bit of background about me: I am relaxed now and want to stretch but I don't know if it will turn into transitioning--I'm between APL and BSL now. I am curious about my natural texture. So I'll shut up and get to my question:

Is our natural hair texture the same as when we are younger about six or seven y/o? My grandma has a pic of me when I was in the first grade and I have afro puffs. Grandma said that when pressed my hair was almost to my waist (so I think I can do that again:yep:-yay!). Is age six or seven about the right age for permanent hair texture determination? When I come back from San Antonio in June I will try to remember to post that pic for better illustration (if grandma will give it up:perplexed). Thanks for reading my rambling.