Newbie needing your help!


New Member
Ok...I'm pretty new and ......I am having some problems. Breaking ENDS! I've shed minimally (much less than 50 hairs per day-from what I can see.). I can't even comb my relaxed hair without ends breaking off. I take multis, I shampoo (CON) once a week, follow with Nexxus Humectress. I think I may need some Emergencee but I'm afraid that my already--brittle hair will revolt and MORE hair will break off! Its so frustrating when I can't get ONE hair to grow past 5 inches on my head. Ladies, I know you've been there. What can I do? I want to start a real regimine for the beginning of the year. Can someone point me in the right direction- I'm at my wits end....... :confused:
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vitamin_rc said:
Ok...I'm pretty new and ......I am having some problems. Breaking ENDS! I've shed minimally (much less than 50 hairs per day-from what I can see.). I can't even comb my relaxed hair without ends breaking off. I take multis, I shampoo (CON) once a week, follow with Nexxus Humectress. I think I may need some Emergencee but I'm afraid that my already--brittle hair will revolt and MORE hair will break off! Its so frustrating when I can't get ONE hair to grow past 5 inches on my head. Ladies, I know you've been there. What can I do? I want to start a real regimine for the beginning of the year. Can someone point me in the right direction- I'm at my wits end....... :confused:

Hello there and welcome to our online fam! :)

Your hair problem sounds very similar to the problems I had right before I joined LHCF. My ends were splitting, breaking off each time I combed my hair and my hair was dry like straw!

I do a few things that has helped me.

Conditioner washes (i found a style that allows me to do this daily)
I rarely use heat
Flax seed oil and carrot juice has done WONDERS
Stretching my relaxers
Lots of water (although, i fell off this regimen for the holiday. Will get back on 2006)
and lastly, working out with cardio training.

You'll see that after a few months from the tips you find here, your hair will be a better shape.

Happy hair growing! :)
vitamin_rc said:
Ok...I'm pretty new and ......I am having some problems. Breaking ENDS! I've shed minimally (much less than 50 hairs per day-from what I can see.). I can't even comb my relaxed hair without ends breaking off. I take multis, I shampoo (CON) once a week, follow with Nexxus Humectress. I think I may need some Emergencee but I'm afraid that my already--brittle hair will revolt and MORE hair will break off! Its so frustrating when I can't get ONE hair to grow past 5 inches on my head. Ladies, I know you've been there. What can I do? I want to start a real regimine for the beginning of the year. Can someone point me in the right direction- I'm at my wits end....... :confused:

Do you deep condition often?...maybe your hair is lacking moisture

If I were you, I would wait b4 I do a strong treatment like Emergencee... If you want to add a little protein to see if it'll can try a protein conditioner (Keraphix) which is much milder than emergencee.

How do you wear your hair on a daily basis? and How long is your hair?...if your hair is just touching your shoulders you should keep it up at all times...b/c at this length your hair is more vulnerable to breakage.

Do you moisturize your hair daily?

and I suggest not combing your hair when it's dry, especially when you have alot of new growth...that can also cause breakage...only comb your hair while it's the shower. HTHs and Good luck!!!
Do you deep condition often?...maybe your hair is lacking moisture

If I were you, I would wait b4 I do a strong treatment like Emergencee... If you want to add a little protein to see if it'll can try a protein conditioner (Keraphix) which is much milder than emergencee.

How do you wear your hair on a daily basis? and How long is your hair?...if your hair is just touching your shoulders you should keep it up at all times...b/c at this length your hair is more vulnerable to breakage.

Do you moisturize your hair daily?

and I suggest not combing your hair when it's dry, especially when you have alot of new growth...that can also cause breakage...only comb your hair while it's the shower. HTHs and Good luck!!!

Thanks for responding! I wear it in a low pony tail daily. There's just enough hair to do that so its only ear level. My hair grows moderately fast (my saving grace) so its just so frustrating to see those ends floating down the drain! I've been deep conditioning every week. I mositurize everyday (with Pantene Moisturizing Comb-In-the only product that actually mositurizes my hair) and Jojoba oil. No matter what I do....the ends just break. Maybe I'm freaking out when I see a few hairs-what's normal?

I've tried everything BUT the Emergencee...I'm not sure what else I can do.......I just started and I'm ready to quit!!! :(

What do you think?
When I first join LHCF I was experiencing problems with breakage. Everytime I comb I saw broken hairs on the floor, on my clothes, in the sink and in the comb. I think this was due to overprocessing and lack of moisture. So I started CW and moisturizing my hair. I shampoo/deep condition my hair once a week and CW once week and do a preshampoo treatment. Also, my hair needed some protein. I used Aphogee and nexxus emergencee. This problem didn't stop overnight it took 3 months before the breakage stopped. I'm not saying that I don't see hair when I comb or shampoo but rarely any broken pieces. I think that Shampoo/Deep condition, CW, using a moisturizer and adding protein has help improve my hair.
Everything the other ladies stated will definitely help you. Another tip that really helped me out was applying Nexxus Humectress to the ends / length of my hair prior to shampooing. [ Apply Nexxus Humectress or Profectiv Healthy Ends to the "ends" of your hair then wet hair and shampoo as normal ] This extra concentrated moisture will help to moisturize / heal some of that dryness and protect the "older" part of your hair from some of the harsh ingredients in shampooing. Conditioner washing will definitely help as well !
Sounds like I just need some patience........I've never tried washing with a exactly does that work? How does that effectively cleanse your scalp?. I know its not going to be an overnight thing-I just see all the progress I COULD have and its frustrating whenever I gain some length-I end up losing all the progress I made.....
vitamin_rc said:
Ok...I'm pretty new and ......I am having some problems. Breaking ENDS! I've shed minimally (much less than 50 hairs per day-from what I can see.). I can't even comb my relaxed hair without ends breaking off. I take multis, I shampoo (CON) once a week, follow with Nexxus Humectress. I think I may need some Emergencee but I'm afraid that my already--brittle hair will revolt and MORE hair will break off! Its so frustrating when I can't get ONE hair to grow past 5 inches on my head. Ladies, I know you've been there. What can I do? I want to start a real regimine for the beginning of the year. Can someone point me in the right direction- I'm at my wits end....... :confused:

I think that you should go ahead and do the emergencee treatment. From reading your post, it seems as if you do everything right. You do deep treatments weekly, moisturize daily and shampoo weekly. It just sounds as if you have some breakage issues that needs to be taken care of ASAP. I really think that the Emergencee would be beneficial for you, just remember to follow it up with a light moisturizing conditioner (the kind you leave on for 5 minutes or so), then weekly, you should do moisturizing treatments. I think you should also include pre-poo treatments which consist of castor oil or olive oils, leave on your hair for 20 minutes prior to shampooing, shampoo with a moisturizing poo and then follow up with a moisturizing treatment (with heat) and then follow up with a light moisturizing conditioner (3-5 minutes on hair) rinse, use a strengthener like infusium or your favorite leavin for strenght and then use your moisturizer, you mentioned you used Panteen moisturizer. You should notice a turn around in about 3 weeks, good luck and keep us updated.:)
vitamin_rc said:

I'd *really* like some more input....feeling a little discouraged.....
My dearest...welcome to the crew, first of all.
Secondly....have you tried a Clear Sebastian Cellophae and a Mizani moisturefuse? I bleach my hair, usually FIVE times in one day (I'm obsessed with getting it the perfect shade of blonde), and I follow it with a cellophane..
Hair's in really good shape. Plus apHogee ever 6-8 weeks, cellophane/moisturefuse in between, heat only every 3 weeks, if that.
Good luck!!!