Newbie: Need as much advice as possible


New Member
My last relaxer was 11/9/07. I have been going natural since. I have seen a definite change in the healthiness of my hair which I am very happy about. Then length on the other hand is something I am seeing..but very little of it.
I know I am definitely not read for the BC..I just need some advice. Somebody who can be straight forward with me and tell me exactly what I need to do.

-How often should I DC?
-Should I continue to wear my hair wet in a bun everyday until a certain goal(Christmas maybe)


These are my products that I have been using:
-Virgin Olive Oil
-Jojoba Oil
-Beemine oil
-Coconut oil
-Damage Remedy Shamp and Cond
-Rusk Healthy Leave in treatment
-Cantu Shea Butter and Strenthing Treatment

( my current picture was taken 3 weeks ago, so that is the state of my hair as of now)

I'm not an expert but the following principles are helpful.
  • Wash 1-2 times per week
  • Deep condition (with heat) at least 1 times per week
  • Moisturize hair everyday - paying close attention to ends
  • Airdrying or Rollersetting
  • Low Manipulation Hair Styles (i.e. Buns, Braidouts)
The products that you have sound great. I LOVE COCONUT OIL.
First of all, welcome to LHCF!

It looks like you've got a good line up of products there. As to your questions:

I think you should deep condition your hair every time you even think your hair might need it. For me, the most valuable thing I've learned since being natural is being able to tell when my hair needs something, and to do it then (not necessarily according to a schedule). Personally, my hair can never get too much moisture.

Wearing a wet bun is fine in my opinion (as long as you're not at risk for pneumonia). I've worn many wet buns over the years. I find that it's a style that allows for low-manipulation (which can prevent breakage), and keeps your ends protected (which can help maintain length). I think it's important to protect your ends, even though you plan on cutting the relaxed ones off. There's no time like the present to learn good hair techniques.

Good luck on the rest of your transition. :)