Newbie Naturals...don't forget the basics


New Member
1.The first thing, natural hair craves moisture. That is one of the biggest drawbacks of having natural is that is dries quickly and needs moisturizing immediately after shampooing and conditioning. Shea butter and EVCO are excellent moisturizing and nourishing products.

2. Getting your hair moisturized
Conditioner washing can be done daily without drying out your hair. Any conditioner for dry hair can be used. If your hair is extremely tangled , add olive or another nourishing oil to the conditioner. Generously apply conditioner to each section. Let it sit for just a minute. Unravel each section, comb out when directly under the shower head, and braid or twist back immediately. Repeat with all sections of your hair.

3. Expect knots...I'm sorry but yeah:ohwell:
Afro-textured hair is coily and can wrap around itself any where along the hair shaft. You have to handle your hair like fine silk, apply a leave-in conditioner to smooth the hair cuticle and add your favorite natural oil to the ends. (EVCO is my favorite.) This will minimize the number of those annoying knots.

4.The best combs to use for combing out your hair in the shower are the Jilbere shower comb, K Cutter comb, wide tooth bone combs, or any seamless wide tooth comb.

5. Like relaxed hair if you do not tie a scarf around your head at night, the sides and back of your head will start to shed hair from rubbing against the pillow. Wear a silk scarf around your hair, or if you are not comfortable wearing a scarf to bed then sleep on a silk or nylon pillow case.
Good luck newbie naturals!
Thanks for the useful post. I was thinking the other day how I wished sometimes that there were more "guide" type stickies, like "How to Transition." It's just easier for those of us who aren't able to comb through the site everyday to be able to go and check the synthesized info. You read my mind :)
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Pinkskates your hair is gorgeous

I've been lucky enough to never have knots. I guess it all depends on the person and the hair.

I would say to the newly natural... don't go crazy buying products. Just the first 6 months alone I literally spent close to $400 in products. None of them worked by the way LOL Take your time and try to see what works for you. If you buy too many products at once you won't really know which one worked and which didn't.

If you cut your hair very short... headbands are now your best friends! I have them in every shape and color. Accessories will help you look pretty.

My last tip is don't worry if you don't fall in love with your hair right away. I loved my hair, didn't have a clue how to style it. I definitely didn't know how to deal with short hair. It grew on me (no pun intended) about 7 months later. Be patient and give yourself time to get accustomed to your new look.
:hiya2:Morentia and Boston Maria,
I agree Morentia a newbie natural sticky would be awesome. And you little pumpkins are beautiful.

Boston Maria, thanks for the wonderful additional tips.
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Excellent post, Thanks very much PinkSkates. I'm currently transitioning at the moment and these tip's are most welcomed!
Thanks for this PinkSkates :-) I know I'm still transitioning but I care for my hair like it's all natural already so these tips are really useful for me :-)
Slightly OT: Natural hair (at least mine) is definately DRY, but is it more dry than relaxed hair? For me this seems to be true, but I was using different products at that time. If this is true, why?
Thanks so much for this PinkSkates! So very appreciated. I find that my hair curls more and is easier to manage when it's very well conditioned and moisturized! This should be a sticky!
This is so helpful!! Thank you so much!

After my BC, my hair was definitely DRY, I mean very dry. The front was like it's own dry-pouf! I thought it was a diffferent texture (like 4c when the rest of my hair was 4a/b). What I found was helpful (for me) was when I stopped using cones and added castor oil to my regimen. I started with HE Hello Hydration. I then changed to Trader Joe's Nourish Spa and sealing with just a bit of castor oil for my co-washes.


Now my coils are uniform all over. Love! :) I will incorporate these other tips when I'm out of my twists. Thanks again PinkSkates! This should absolutely be a sticky!!
I've always had problems with dry hair. Now I have hypothyroidism and of course that makes it worse. Even after putting something on my hair (especially the ends) it still feels dry as a bone. I'm gonna keep @ it though. I just began my natural journey in March 09 and just trimmed a few inches off.

Thanks Ladies for the info.
this is a good list :grin:...
only thing that hasn't worked for me is cowashing, i don't remember when my mom ever did that for me growing up either.... i think it might just be us though