Newbie - My Fotki Pics

Very pretty waves! I like how your hair curls up. Your hair grew longer and thicker in six months.

Are you:
a) still relaxing your hair?
b) stretching out your relaxers?
c) texturizing?
d) transitioning?
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lovenharmony said:
Just jumped on the Fotki bandwagon :D I'm just starting out with my hair journey, so I feel this is a great way to document my progress. Take a look and leave comments - I need all the advice I can get!

i tried leaving a comment on a few of your pics but i think you have it turned off. you are having great progress with your growth . congrats and welcome to the boards :)
victorious said:
Very pretty waves! I like how your hair curls up. Your hair grew longer and thicker in six months.

Are you:
a) still relaxing your hair?
b) stretching out your relaxers?
c) texturizing?
d) transitioning?

Thanks everyone for your comments!! And Victorious, I'm still relaxing, but I believe I've been texlaxing by mistake because my hair tends to curl or wave up even though I freshly relaxed. I have never stretched before but I plan on stretching my next relaxer for 3 months.As for transitioning, I've been thinking about it for a while now but I havent made any definite decisions yet on the matter.

I have to check why no one can leave comments on my Fotki...the settings must be off. Will definitely look forward to learning more about my hair :grin: