Newbie- Moving to DC, know a good stylist?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,
I was so excited when I found out about this forum. Its so encouraging to see beautiful black women care for their hair as much as you all do.
Well, I used to have bra strap length 3c/4a(I think)hair but i had to cut it to shoulder length last year because of excessive damage (college killed my hair). Anyway, I'm back on the grind again of treating my hair the way my mom used to treat it, which helped it to grow healthy. I'm moving to DC in July to start law school and I don't want a repeat of what happenend the last time I left for school, so can anyone recommend a salon in the DC metro area (Maryland/Virginia included) that has a stylist who is sincere about caring for hair and helping it grow? I'm planning on doing the Crown $ Glory Techinque and this is the first time I have ever put briads in my hair, so I need someone who can do a good perm when I need it and put back in the braids when I need them also.
Thanks in advance and happy growing to everyone.
This thread is probably going to get moved to the salon review section but...I'm not sure if you've lurked here any but the DC area has a lot of Dominican salons and tons of braid places. I had braids for three months and got them done at "the stress free zone". Look in the salon review forum and I'm sure you'll find good places for perms there. Welcome to the board!