Newbie, Lurker for YEARS!!!


New Member
I've been a lurker for a long time probably 4-5 years. I look foward to sharing and getting tips with all you ladies.

My goal for this year is not for lenght but fo health and thickness. My hair is long and looks decent and I get alot of compliments on it but if you look closely I have splitends and breakage throughout the last 4 inches of my hair. My hair grows about 5.5 inches a year and I plan on cutting the four inches off throughout the year.

Also I suffer form trichotillomania... for those of you who don't know what that is:

Trichotillomania (pronounced: trik-oh-till-oh-may-nee-ah) is a type of psychological condition that involves strong urges to pull hair.

I have a bald spot on the center of my head towards the back that is about the size of a nickel and the areas surrounding it are no more than 1-3 inches long. (pw for album: trick) I pull out my hair strand by strand from the root usually when im either stressed or bored. I hope to over come this and regrow the affected area.

Hair Don'ts that I think are cause the splitends/breakage:

- Flatiorning to often with my Maxi Glide: I lost way too much hair because of the combs. My Maxi Glide recently broke now my 3/4 in Conair works just as good maybe even better and I lose little to no hair. Also I would probably touch up with the flat plate about 2-3 times a week. (not good)

- Blowdrying: My hair has never agreed with blowdrying. It causes un-needed sheading and breakage.

- Deep conditioning with my dryer on high: My hair would be almost too hot to touch afterwards. That can't be good.

- Combing, manipulating, and playing in my hair to often.

- Not washing and conditioning often enough

Current Products:
- Elucence Shampoo
- Pantene Clarifying Shampoo
- Lustrasilk Detangaling Choleterol
- Suave Coconut Conditioner
- ORS Hair Mayo
- Silk Elements Mega Silk
- Elucence Condioner ( As Leave-In)
- Tresseme Anti-Breakage Condioner (Leave-In)
- Proclaim Bubble Gun Seurm
- Aphogee 2 step Treatment (only used twice so far)

Relaxer: Affrim Fiber Guard (every 10-12 weeks)

I am currently planning a new regimen with these products and will eliminate some and add new ones.

My regimen for the last 6 month has been: every 10-21 days
1. Pre- poo w/ Cholestrol with hot towel under dryer for 15 mins
2. Clarify then Shampoo
3. Condition in shower then rinse
4. Deep condition under dryer 30 mins
5. Rinse, Airdry, Blow-dry, Flat Iron

Any tips what-so-ever would be greatly appreciated. :-)
Question: Does anyone know why my email is my username? I forgot my password and had to request one but after that my email became my username.
Welcome old newbie! Maybe one of the mods can help you with your username issue. You should look up Allandra. She is a mod that is very helpful (and the only one I know of off the top of my head).
Welcome!!! :)

I have no idea about your username, you may have to make a ticket. you cant change it if you go to usercp? or have you already tried that
Welcome!!!! :wave:

You should definitely be deep conditioning more often. Try joining the dc challenge, it'll make a huge difference!

And if you're gonna use direct heat, only use one appliance. No blowdrying AND flatironing. One or the other. Do you use a heat protectant?

For your username, you have to pm one of the mods for that. Dontspeakdefeat, Allandra, Pebbles, SuperGirl.... Any of of them can help with that :yep: People always change their names here! :lol:

Did I read that correctly?! You wash every 10-21 days?

So sometimes you go as much as 3 weeks without washing? :look:

What works for some doesn't work for all but I don't know how that could be healthy. :lachen:

You need to stop playing and increase those washes (and DC) or add some co-washes or something since you're trying to get your hair healthier. :yep:

Did I read that correctly?! You wash every 10-21 days?

So sometimes you go as much as 3 weeks without washing? :look:

What works for some doesn't work for all but I don't know how that could be healthy. :lachen:

You need to stop playing and increase those washes (and DC) or add some co-washes or something since you're trying to get your hair healthier. :yep:

Yeah I am really inconsistent with how often I wash my hair sometimes its 4 days, somtimes 7-10 days, and other times 2-3 weeks. On average I would say about every 13 days though.

I will be reducing my direct heat usage greatly, and roller setting and DC more often. I also might try co-washes, been reading about them for the longest but never tried it.

Thank everyone for the advice I will be emailing one of the mods to see whats up with my username. :drunk: Also my avatar and signature pics aren't showing. :sad:
Greetings. I just subscribed yesterday too. :yawn:

ETA: Still getting used to the smileys. Wrong one... :lachen:
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Look at you newbies with BSL hair *Cakerr & Oneya* :look:

Welcome :bouncy:.

Maybe I should be taking notes from you guys :lachen: