Newbie (kinda long sorry)


New Member
Let me startoff by saying hello! (my first real post)

I've been watching the boards for what seems like forever and have learned so much from relaxed, transitioning and natural ladies. There really is an abundance of info here.

I came here when I started transitioning to natural, although I didn't know there was a name for it yet. My relaxed hair was a couple of inches past brastrap and I was happy with the length but became curious about my new growth (i would only relax every 4 months) My curiosity got the best of me. My last relaxer was on my bday in December 2003 and I've been trimming & sometimes just cutting since then.

I only used Nexxus and while it's great stuff I was never truly impressed (except for the Humectress!). I recently used Keracare's High Sheen Glossifier (bf bought it by mistake) and I was in love...

So my question is are there any naturals who use Keracare ?
(i also believe that using one line exclusively is better b/c the products compliment eachother and would like to try it)

What kind of experiences did you have with it?
Relaxed & Texturized Heads please feel free to answer also.

Any other suggestions from previous Nexxus users who have switch/or tried other products?
if not then I think I may just stick to what's been working for me.

Thanks in Advance.

p.s I have a couple of pics in my album (nothing really to speak of) but just so you could put a face to the name. As soon as I get my new digi cam and am through with my "no pressing until Decemeber" personal challenge, I will post more pics. (there are only so many pics of puffs one can take) However, I'll be officially tracking my progress there.
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First things first: hair is gorgeous!

Haven't tried it, but will put on my Hmmmm list. Not really wedded to any line of products. Just seriously got into the care game.
Your hair is gorgeous! This is on my to try list...but then again I'm trying to stop my evil PJ ways...sorry I can't help ya out!:)
You just have to find out what works for you. Sometimes you have to test out products. I'm the biggest PJ . But I found that Salem and Keracare works for me.
But I also use product form lines. So test out other lines see what you like.:)

Your hair is very pretty!
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Your puff is SOOO pretty! Natural hair is very becoming on you. What kind of band do you use for your puff? Man, you make me want to pick up the scissors and get to chopping (I'm transitioning).
I say stick to what's been working, unless you just want to be PJ, LOL, that's what normally happens when you do the so called "try thing out", and it's a hard habbit to break, I'm finally running out of PJ juice, LOL, but if you feel there are better things out there for your already gorgeous head of hair then go and starting feeding the habbit of PJism, LOL. :lachen: I think your regimen is the simpliest one I've seen so far, I can't wait to have my products broken down to simplicity. HHG
By the looks of your relaxed and natural hair, you have been doing a great job! Keep doing what you doing and don't change anything! Your face is made for naturalll hair.
ww thank you so much ladies. When I posted I really wasn't expecting so many great compliments. I welcomed them with a warm heart, because for a very long time many people just didn't understand my quest for change with my hair.

Caligirl- I use those Goody ouchless bands (doubled) or satin ribbon for my big puffs, or the little ones for pulled back ponytails now that my hair is long enough.