Newbie is Looking for a Stylist for Texlaxing


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I still marvel at the beautiful heads on this site! I'm only about 3 weeks past my last relaxer (5/17) and I reeeeeeaally miss my texture, I mean, a lot! My hairdresser gave me a bone-straight touch-up after a 10-week stretch (my first stretch!). My hair looked so thin and frail I could barely stand it. I don't ever want to get a bone-straight relaxer again.

Does anyone know a good stylist that can texlax in the NYC area? Manhattan would be best but The Bronx is possible too. I'll travel to Brooklyn and even Queens but not Staten Island. I'm looking for a professional that can deal with thin, fragile hair and doesn't cut all of your new growth off. Please send me any suggestions that you might have. I plan on stretching for 12 weeks, so I have some time before I have to have this done. That'll give me time to do some research and visit the salon.

My goal is that in time, my hair will grow thicker and stronger....I could use some advice on that too....

Thanks in advance for reading and considering my second post! :smirk:
Hi there! If you have a stylist you trust, you could just tell them you want a "baby" perm. Or buy some elasta qp mild and bring it with you to your appointment. Their mild formula is great for texlaxing. I don't texlax but I have 3 ppl who are on a texlax regimen.
Thanks Foodie. I don't think my stylist can texlax. I'll ask her. I'd rather deal with someone that does this on a regular basis and doesn't have to "experiment" with my hair. Where do the 3ppl that you know on the texlax regime go? Thank again.
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If you go into the Salon Review forum, there is a salon that many of the ladies rave about. I think they are located in the bronx. The stylist there from what I have read are about the health of the hair and they dont relax bone straight.

ETA:it is called Dominican Essence Hair Salon, Inc. and it is located in Brooklyn. When you go into the Salon review forum look under the thread titled NYC salon (I think thats what its called) and do a search there for this specific salon.
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Thank you, thank you! I'd rather go to a professional for the first time. I subscribed to the video lady. I didn't even know there was a salon thread! Of course there would be! I will check it out. Thanks again!