Newbie Intro + Transition Issue- Hey Everyone!!


New Member
Wooow, im actually starting a thread. Let me introduce myself. I go by Drea and im a junior college student majoring in nursing. Ive been stalking this forum since a few months after Hurricana Katrina as a means to get my mind off of the devestation that surrounded me. So that makes it what.. 5 years and i finally subscribed. Woo!

Im at the end of my transition (2years in Nov), and i planned to cut w/e's left during that time r New Years Eve. Parts of my natural hair reaches APL or a little pass it, others SL. Now my issue is SCAB HAIR. Theres a patch of it on the front left side of my hair. I probably wouldnt worry abt it if it wasnt smack dab in the front to where it hards to blend r hide. Ive been maintaining my transition by roller set, followed by flat ironing the roots, then roller wrap, n my hair its just fine. Could be at MBL if it wasnt for the trimming to reach the goal (au natural). I admit i am slightly heat damaged but nothing major, ive been using heat protectant for abt a year n some change now. I honestly dont think its heat damage because it looks and FEELS drastically different from other parts of my hair. Ive seen other threads on scab hair but it seems they left it as a lost cause. Could you plz take a look in my fotki. Any suggestions other than cuttin would be helpful. Im not trying to do the Cassie head shave thing lol. Thanx (Its public)

I've never transitioned so I don't really know anything about scab hair. But I'm wondering if that lack of texture could be due to manipulation. For example, the front of my hair is like fuzzy straight, because it's been pulled back so much when doing puffs and wearing headbands. If you are a little heavier handed on that front left side, or you always wrap the same way (brushing that side first) that could have contributed to the loss of texture in that area. Anyway, it's just a theory. Your hair looks great either way and congrats on your long transition.
hmm, i do brush that side 1st, and when i wear my hair down i tend to tuck that area behind my ears. thanx for the help!
Hi, Welcome. Your hair looks beautiful in your sig.

Looking in your albums, I don't even notice the spot you're talking about... I guess just try to nourish that area a bit more and see it that helps.

I also transitioned for 2 years. I have some scab hair on my ends. I just live with it. It'll get trimmed off eventually.

I think MSA's assessment was very good (as always) It could also be sun damage but more than likely it is from manipulation. And it could just be a patch where you have a different hair type. Many of us have varying textures in different places on our heads.

Good luck and welcome again.

by the way what is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Just wanted to say WELCOME!
I don't have an answer for you except to say most of us have different textures on our head. Sometimes once you BC its a little easier to analyze the hair without the relaxed hair in the way.
Welcome *waves* Love the hair!

I only transitioned for 3 months and then I cut it off to about an inch so I'm also not the best person to give advice about transitioning. I would look at a long term transitioner like Mook, who already posted in this thread or Southerngirl? (sp) She has a blog and transitioned for about two years if I"m not mistaken.

I had scab hair. It was horrible dry crusty stuff that didn't do anything no matter how much moisture I put in it. My actual hair is MUCH softer and even if I let my hair dry after shampooing with no conditioner it still has never been as dry as that scab hair was. I just had to cut it off:sad:

It also might just be a section of your hair that is a different texture. I know the very top of my head appears to be the dryest and most tightly coiled but it is actually probably the loosest next to hair right about my neck and more 3cish than 4aish. I didn't realize I wasn't moisturizing it enough (got lazy once I got to the center of my head) and that's why it was so dry. So perhaps you could just pay more attention to that section and see if it turns around. Best of luck though!

*hugs* Welcome and congrats!
I had a couple of sections like that, but i thought my hair was just different textures. It wasn't until I BC'd that I realized that it wasn't the textures, but just like the last inch or two of my natural hair in those spots. I'ts not heat damage bc I was doing braidouts and twistouts for a year prior during my transition. I had to cut mine bc the WnG just wouldn't work. Once I cut the shorter hair started to behave like the rest and I just tried to even it out as best I could. I attributed mine to scab hair, but I really couldn't tell until I chopped and then it was only certain sections and on the ends for me...

I would say trim as much as possible and then try to keep DCing and nuturing it. You may have to create a texture in it by doing twist outs or braid outs, etc. until it grows out enough and you cn cut the rest. WnGs weren't happening for me until I cut it off.

Your hair is lovely BTW!
Thanx for the all the responses and welcomes!

im gonna try wrapping in the alternate directions, step up the deep conditions and see how that helps. I was thinking i would have to do braidouts/twistouts to conceal that area, when i do wash and go's my hair is so big and fluffy, but that areas just... limps, it looks as tho it's still relaxed and feels like straw. I never felt confident to wear my wash and go's outside the house just because of that reason. I guess i cant exactly "wash and go" for now. Now im even more anxious for November to see what im really working with. thanx for all the help everyone!
Hi, Welcome. Your hair looks beautiful in your sig.

Looking in your albums, I don't even notice the spot you're talking about... I guess just try to nourish that area a bit more and see it that helps.

I also transitioned for 2 years. I have some scab hair on my ends. I just live with it. It'll get trimmed off eventually.

I think MSA's assessment was very good (as always) It could also be sun damage but more than likely it is from manipulation. And it could just be a patch where you have a different hair type. Many of us have varying textures in different places on our heads.

Good luck and welcome again.

by the way what is Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

It's an auto-immune disorder. Antibodies attack the thyroid gland. Thryoid gland controls a lot such as metabolism, temperature, etc. One of the symptoms is dry brittle hair, nails, skin. I was able to catch it early so i havent experienced this.

ETA: well the patch thats in question is the only area that ive experienced dryness and brittleness
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