Newbie here


New Member
hey everyone,
I have been lurking around since may and I had to finally join. This website has made a complete turn around. My hair is now the longest that it has ever been in my LIFE. I just wanted to introduce myself. My ultimate goal is brastrap lenght. I am shooting for health, lenght and then thickness. I am really happy with my progess. Here is my online album.
Bout time;) girl, welcome, ur hair is awesome, crazy growth :p
Now if we can get ur girl to join the MTG bandwagon :D
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Welcome to LHCF, Maryj1584! :drunk: You're going to be at BSL in no time w/ the great growth that you're getting! :clapping:
thanks, I am trying to find a way to speed up my growth. I am getting like 1/2-3/4 inch a month. I guess with LHCF, I can find out how :look:

Im a 'newbie' 2!!

Your hair is growing nicely...Just make sure you keep most of the growth!!!!

xSumma Bliss
Thanks, I am trying to retain as much as possible, but I know that I am going to have to trim soon. I hope that it is not too much.