Newbie here! Suggestions Welcome!


New Member
This is my first time posting but I've been lurking for about a month. I had gone to the beauty shop and gotten a perm that left my entire scalp a scab and brought out a lot of my hair so I am in recovery. My last perm was on Easter this year. I don't know my hair type but I couldn't do much with my hair and decided to cut it off and try to start fresh the day before yesterday. Any suggestions for newbie's on how to start the natural journey?
Welcome newbie!!! not natural but definitely try searching natural hair care tips in the serach engine. And you will need a good deep conditioner and make sure your hair stays moisturized , you may want to start cowashing more frequently and getting a good growth aid, if you're up for that.
cosigning on the moisture, your hair will rebel if you don't have a good moisturizer, whether it is from cowashing, daily moisturizing or deep conditioning.

oh and take lots of in a few months you can look back and be shocked.

I took pics the day i got it cut and will follow your advice to keep track. I also found a recipe here for a daily leave in moisturizer so I have some mixing to do. :drunk:

ITA, Moisture is the key, only detangle hair that is wet and loaded with conditioner, dc at least twice a month and treat your hair with a little TLC:yawn:

This is my first time posting but I've been lurking for about a month. I had gone to the beauty shop and gotten a perm that left my entire scalp a scab and brought out a lot of my hair so I am in recovery. My last perm was on Easter this year. I don't know my hair type but I couldn't do much with my hair and decided to cut it off and try to start fresh the day before yesterday. Any suggestions for newbie's on how to start the natural journey?

oh gosh! That sounds so horrible! well here's to starting over all natural, its a beautiful thing! :welcome: