Newbie here + relaxer experience


New Member
I'm new to the site, though I've been a lurker for ages. I relaxed my virgin hair on Mar 9 using ORS relaxer, and I know this site will help me with the hair care process. I LOVED the ORS relaxer. I had a sensitive scalp (I know it was sensitive because I could feel the sore spots before I relaxed ) and I had only taken my braids about 5 days before. However, I DID NOT FEEL ANYTHING even though the stylist kinda left it on a tad longer than she should :ohwell:. After that, she barely put some of the ORS stuff from the kit and did a rollerset. It was so soft - gave me the hair in hand syndrome and it was BLINDINGLY shiny. I think I'll use it for a while before I try another relaxer. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself. I am really inspired by the heads of hair I see here and I hope I can be one of them soon. Here is my picture (I was too near the flash -I'm yet to learn how to take hair pics) from relaxer day.


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Here's the low down:
- Weekly deep condition and rollerset
- Minimal manipulation
- Protective style (use phony pony)
- Braiding to help me stretch my relaxer (stretch to 16 weeks, so braid @ wk 6-8)
- Daily moisturising

Any suggestions?