Newbie Here Needs Advice!


New Member
Hey ladies! I am fairly new here and just decided to pay the $6.50 to become a true member :yep:
Anyways I came to my senses and would like to have stronger, thicker, fuller, healthier growing hair! So far I do not have a regimen...Basically, I relax and trim every 6 weeks, I apply my mega tek mixture to my scalp every night (yes, every night :yep:) and use whatever shampoo and conditioner I have in my bathroom every Sunday...My hair is getting pretty long, but at the same time I shed worst then a cat. I'm starting to get a bit scared because my hair is so thin now, I have a feeling that I am going to be bald soon.

Any recommendations on how I can get stronger hair to start? I'd truly apreciate it!
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:welcome4: to LHCF! I've just joined recently as well. I'm not sure what exactly will help you but I've found that a good regimen is a good way to start down the path to healthy hair. This article:

gave me a lot of great information to get started with. I believe the article was written by LHCF member sistaslick.

She also has an article about hair breakage and understanding your hair's need for the proper balance between protein and moisture. I'm sure that other LHCF members may be able to give some more pointed advice.
Thart article (and all her other ones are a great start). You also need to pay attention to the products you're using. Is it really shedding or is it breakage? And if you are relaxed it would be a good idea to get an idea of your moisture protein balance.
HTH and Welcome!
Welcome! From what I can see there are 3 simple things you can do to see some improvement.

1. Relax after 8 weeks instead of six. That will make it easier to avoid overlapping and overprocessing your hair. Also, make sure you protect the relaxed part of your hair with some conditioner or grease or something. That way when your rinsing that part of your hair won't get processed anymore.

2. Stop trimming with every relaxer. You are trimming ALL your progress away. Trim only when needed if your hair is damaged or splitting.

3. On Sundays after you wash make sure you deep condition your hair. It's one of the best ways to get your healthy.

Also, check out the newbie manual link in my siggy. There's a ton of info in there that will help you.

I'm relatively new here too and find that whatever I'm thinking or wondering has probably already been asked. Since you are at the beginning of your HHJ, your best bet in using this forum may be to do a search for related topics. The newbie stickies contain great info: From what you've posted, I think you should look up topics re: relaxing/stretching, knowing what chemicals are in your products, trimming/dusting.

I think msa brought up a good topic - shedding vs. breakage. You may want to do a search on Megatek (also referred to as "MT" on LHCF) because some ladies experience shedding using this product. You should be able to find some helpful hints, like taking garlic pills, using garlic poo/con, mixing with oils, etc. that may help reduce the shedding.

Good luck and welcome!
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phew...Thanks! Very helpful advice, and the newbie manual..."life saver" lol I was soo confused on all of the abbreviation I found myself completely lost...Also, I identified the differences between shedding and breaking. Sadly I am a victim of both :(
Thanks for your replies!
:hiya2: WELCOME!!!

Welcome to the board...with regards to the shedding you can try some garlic gel vitamins or garlic based poo/ for washing your hair very sunday maybe the SLS are too shash on your hair causing it to dry and fall out and you may be mistaking this for shedding....hope that gives you some ideas to try.