Newbie: Got sum products. Where do we go from here?

Ms. Vea

Hey ladies. I'm a newbie got sum products to start out with now I got sum questions. I got nexxus shampoo, razac leave in condtioner, mane n tail deep cond, fantasia heat protectant, stella flat irons, a gold n hot hooded dryer, and sum shower caps for my deep conditions. Now what do I do. I'm not very hair literate. lol. I just never fooled with it so I'm a true beginner but I want to experience beautiful, long, healthy hair. I'm transtioning from relaxed to natural so that is also a BIG change for me. I really need a big sister if any cross this page. Right now I'm just checking out products and oils. Haven't found any butters yet but I'm working on that. If anyone has sum hair steps for dummies I would really appericate it. TIA

I'm pretty much a newbie myself but here's my advice:

1. Keep it simple. Since you're just starting out take your time and see how things work for you. If you rush from one product or technique to another you won't really be able to see what's working for your hair.

2. Since you're transitioning read the transitioner's support thread (I think it's in one of the stickies). It should be really helpful.

3. The thing that helped me the most was reading the newbie stickies and searching old threads. I learned lots and didn't have to start threads asking redundant questions (like what is cowashing?). Redundant threads kind of annoy people around here.

4. Listen to your hair (and yourself). If something isn't working, let it go. Don't jump on every bandwagon, especially if you have a feeling it's not going to work out for you. Sometimes you just know when something's not going to be good for you.

Ok, I think that's it. Sorry it was long winded. Happy Hair Growing!
^^^^ What she said! Good advice. :yep:

When i first started lurking on the site, I found don'tspeakdefeat's guide very useful. It's a good intro into taking care of your hair. Link is in this thread -->

Also found articles written by Sistaslick very good- she's got one explaining how to build a regimen -->

Check out the sticky " Looking For a Sticky" has links to different support threads as msa said.

Hope that helps. And welcome to LHCF!! :wave: