Newbie from Hawaii


New Member
Aloha everyone,
I just joined a few days ago. I am currently living in Honolulu and after 20 years of having short hair I have decided that I'd like to have shoulder length hair. My problem is that there are not really any stylists here that are that good so I have kind of come to be a "kitchen beautician". I have to fend for myself, especially after a recent bad haircut. Currently, I have been using the Nexxus line of products but I am looking for a relaxer that does not dry out my hair as much. It is already damaged from relaxing it and coloring it. Just trying to gather some advice especially since I am doing my own hair right now and I want it healthy mainly. I could go w/o length but I want hair health. Thanks for reading my rambling!

Happy New Year,y'all.


I hope you find it nice around here. I like your hair and your so lucky to be in Hawaii. I've been a couple of times on 2-3 week vactions.
Aloha, landakaye!

Welcome aboard! I"m sure if you stick around, your hair will be healthy in no time! This board is a gold mine of information!

I hope to live in Hawaii someday! :grin: :hula::surf:
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welcome! this site has alot of good information! i do not post much but always looka round for tips.

1stt hing i would recommend you do is a protein treatment. it will help strengthen up your hair quite a bit =). i personally like to use the aphogee treatment for damaged hair
I'd start off making sure to get protein and deep moisturizing treatments (don't overdo the protein though. Major protein treatments like aphogee are done AT MOST every 4 weeks. Avg around here seems to be every 6-8.) Right now I am doing mild protein (Organic Root Stimulator Hair Mayonnaise, Keraphix, Joico K-pak are examples) every other week.
Be sure to get satin pillowcases, caps, seamless combs etc. Check out dontspeakdefeat's album, it's got great tips.
Welcome :wave:

I'm sure that you will find tons of great advice from the other kitchen_ticians 'round these here parts.
Welcome Landakaye!:bouncy: For conditioners I use Lamour's Bone Marrow and Sebastian's 2+1. For relaxers I can either use Revlon or Affirm, both mild strength.
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Welcome, you will love it here! I also do everything for my hair myself. If your hair is dry then I would suggest that you give it plenty of moisture, I use UBH Moisturizer or Elasta QP Mango Butter. If your hair is damaged then protein treatments will make it stronger. I use Aubrey GPB or UBH Deep Conditioner every week, and when my hair was severly damaged I would do deep conditons every 3 days, and do Aphogee treatments every 5-6 weeks.

As far as relaxers go, it varies from person to person. I personally use Mizani lye and I love it, do you use lye or no-lye relaxers? If you use no-lye a lot of ladies on here love the phytospecific line of products. I HTH and I'm sure the ladies on the board will give you more pointers. ;)