Newbie!! Finally Joined:) *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone! :wave:

Ive been looking for weeks now...feeling very hopeful after looking at all the pics of yall BEAUTIFUL hairs. Reading the stories and saying "hey that happened to meee toooo!!!" I wanna thank yall soooo much for the wisdom, pics, product reviews, discount codes...and on & on! lol Sooo much good info in one place.

I used to take SUCH good care of my hair, but i changed my whole lifestyle (from inorganic to all organic/natural) and had to learn every I mean, ERRRYYYY thing over again, how to eat, what vitamins to take, what beauty products to use...i felt like a child all over again...finally (a yr later) thigs are starting to settle :yep:

With yall help (unknowing, i know) Im gettin my hair groove back!! Jus call me Stella!!

My hair type is 4bbbb (lol) and kinda ear length, its very broken in the middle (dont wanna post a pic of it yet :cry3:)

Goal: Healthy SL hair by April 2010

My reggie:

Wash with msm, neem, tea tree shampoo or carrot seed poo bar 1x a week

Protein Treatment with Mill Creek Keratin Conditioner 1x wk

DC w/ Oyin Honey Hemp or Homemade Hot oil 1x wk

Moisturize with Oyin Whipped Shea everyday
Really LOVED the Greg Juice from Oyin...prolly will get more (glad bmore is close)

Oil Scalp with Afroveda Hibiscus Oil (once it comes....CANT wait!!!)


About to do a 10 day Blood Detox from Dherbs

Organic MSM

Hair, Skin, Nails Vit from Dherbs

November 2009

2006 (relaxed)

2004/2005 (relaxed, damaged ^^^ pic above is after i cut the damage)
Welcome Steph you clearly have the ability to grow healthy hair and you will do again - Good luck for 2010 and Happy hair journey!
Welcome- congrats on joining, I'm happy to hear about your lifestyle change and I wish you all the best and all the success in meeting your goals.
- You posted some cute pictures too btw :)
You have come to the right place. Boy I could show you some bad pics of my hair prior to LHCF. You are in the right place. Welcome....
Doesn't feel good to stop lurking and become
a member?lol
Great progress... you'll reach your goal
in know time!
Hi and Welcome Friend! You will have your hair back in no time!!! By the time you read all of the information on this board you will be MBL!!!
Welcome ASH. Your hair is off to a good start now that you have your regimen down!!!! IT looks great I can't wait til I get to your length natural...
Welcome. I have done so many many many bad things to my hair over the years so don't feel bad. Just take good care of your hair and it will grow and be healthy. It works because my hair is healthy again and I don't have to depend on fake hair anymore to look nice.
Everyone here will take very good care of you hon! I'm relaxed but my sisters are natural and I do their hair.
hello and welcome :)
Your first picture kind of reminds me of mines. the top middle part of my hair is broken off too. Its the shortest part of my hair.