NEWBIE! Come meet me!


New Member
First let me say that I am sooo excited that to be an official member of this forum I can hardly stand it! lol, I have been lurking on this board for a couple of months and I finally joined! I looked on the internet for hair help and found this wonderful site and just have been soaking up all the info that I could. Now onto my hair, I guess...:D

I have 4a/b type hair, and it is at armpit length. I am about 18 wks post relaxer. I am at a point where I don't know if I want to go natural but I will NOT put another relaxer in until my hair is in tip top shape; Strong and healthy. It is in bad shape from a relaxer disaster about 2 yrs ago.
Here's the story--I'm from NY and I've been going to Dominican Salons since I was in Junior High and I went for a perm and one of the stylists put me under the dryer with the relaxer! and like an A-Hole I let her because that is what all the stylists were doing. I figured that it was to get the perm straighter. Anyway, faster than usual it started burning! I told the lady to take me from under there but the salon was so freakin packed that i had to wait. And when I finally got to be rinsed, get this: the DAMN SINK WAS STOPPED UP! They had to stop every minute to scoop the water out!!!! Meanwhile I'm sitting there with burning relaxer on my head!!

When it was done my hair was never the same. It thinned out and has been weak ever since. And I didnt know what to do with it. My hair would just come out everytime I combed it and I was so worried. But now I found this forum. YAY! lol, sorry for this novel. But I wanted to share that...
welcome girl! My goodness, that sounds like the relaxer and stylist from Hades or something:eek: Please tell us you aren't going back to that place again:lol: whoaaaa, That salon sounds like a hair removal shop or something.:eek:

You're in a good spot to get your hair back in order though!:lol:
Welcome. Do you know why they did the dryer step? How was it working for the other customers?

A friend of mine told me that after removing braids, her stylist bases her scalp then places her under the dryer prior to relaxing her hair. She says it soothes her scalp and prevents her from burning.

I don't get it.
Welcome ElleB! :shocked: I am so sorry that all that happened to you! I have been a member of this site for over two years and there is never a dull moment. I love this place and I hope you do too. Lots of tips and tricks here.
Welcome aboard! :wave:

Yikes! :eek: That is some salon horror story! I feel for you. Glad you didn't turn out like Tina Turner's salon nightmare. Putting you under the dryer for scalp base makes sense, but the relaxer... NO WAY!! :nono: If you decide to go back to relaxers just remember that the chemical process works by generating enough heat to break the chemical bonds in your hair's cortex to make it straighten out. NO extra heat is necessary and don't let anyone try to tell you otherwise. Yes, I'm a nerd. :brainy: But I'm not a dork. :lol:
chellee said:
Welcome. Do you know why they did the dryer step? How was it working for the other customers?

A friend of mine told me that after removing braids, her stylist bases her scalp then places her under the dryer prior to relaxing her hair. She says it soothes her scalp and prevents her from burning.

I don't get it.

I guess it was to get the hair to relax bone straight...But she put me under the dryer with the relaxer in, not before...
brownsugar9999 said:
Welkom, bienvenue, boa vinda, добро пожаловать
bien venido, willkommen, WELCOME!!!

You left no stone unturned with the greetings, I love it!


WELCOME :newbie:
welcome! this forum is greeeaaat! i have learned sooooo much information about my hair since joining. it gives you so much empowerment and you feel like you can take control instead of giving it up to the stylists. these ladies will definitely help you get your hair back in order.:)