Newbie Chuck, Hello people!

Caramel Hottie UK

New Member
Thank you LHCF, I am so happy to be here!!!

I just wanted to properly introduce myself as i plan to be here for a very long time and I have no intentions of being a stranger :nono:

On a whim I joined this forum quite some time ago (4 years) but failed to post or even lurk lol.

After wearing wigs, weaves lace fronts etc I am ashamed to say that i know how to care for these more than i do my own hair. Due to laziness (and some ignorance) I opted to severely neglect my hair by just wrapping it under a wig cap, leaving it to matt, not washing it, hardly ever trimming and combing once in a blue moon, out of sight out of mind was my inner motto.

Well, I decided to make a change in June this year and i wish to never ever ever look back!

I have type 4a (I think) relaxed, shoulder length tresses and I would like to get to bra strap by December 09. My ultimate goal is healthy waist length hair, thanks to you ladies and youtube I know this is acheivable.

So I invite you along my journey to healthy hair!!!

Thanks for reading

(sorry if i have posted my introduction in the wrong area)


Hey Chuk,

Welcome!! Good luck on your journey girl. Hopefully you can teach us a thing or two about taking care of wigs, weaves etc aswell!
Welcome! Take plenty of pictures for your baseline photo, it's so encouraging to see the growth.
Thank you for the welcomes! it really does mean a lot :)

I don't want to give up on my hair again, I'm really looking forward to reaching my goal and your journeys have and will continue to inspire me.

Ive uploaded a few images into my album so you all can see my starting point, I will update it often to keep myself motivated.

Thanks again for the welcomes