Newbie at the Healthy Hair Journey


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies! I am a newbie to the health hair journey. I have been transitioning for nine months now. Whew go me! This is my second time transitioning. The first time I was in college and I totally went about it wrong. My hair was breaking really bad in the areas where my perm met my natural hair. So after about eight months, I got scared and ran back to the cream back.
So now i am back at it! And since discovering LHCF and all of you beautiful ladies with beautiful I have become slightly obsessed and filled with TONS of questions!
My first question is about listening to hair. I have been trying out different products and suggested methods that I have read in different threads (ie, moisturizing, sealing, ACV rinse) I have only been at this for two weeks now.
My question is how to understand what you hair likes and dislikes. I have never been one for subtle signs, I need obvious in my face signs:perplexed.
Also, how long into your healthy hair journey did it take for you to start to listen to your hair??
Thanks for your insight ladies! HHG!
Welcome to the forum. Took me about a year of experimenting and patience with products to know what to do for my hair. I transitioned for about 15/16 months then chopped this past June. I'm at a new stage of experimentation but using products I already have. Patience with a few products at a time is the key; switching from one to another will not help you discover the great ones.
Welcome, I am a newbie to the forum and sort of early on my healthy hair journey. I have been without my relaxer going on 4 years but in May of this year I started taking care of my hair.

So I am listening to my hair and I started a hair journal as well. I list the ingredients, style, tools, and take pictures. I want to be able to remember what worked for me and what did not. What I was doing to my hair when it looked best or when it grew a lot. I know a lot of ladies have fotkis, but because I am a newbie to the forum and the world of healthly natural hair care I just keep one on my computer for now.

We will probably learn a few things on the road together! :grin:

I'm a little over 9 months into my transition too :yep:
Re: Listening to my hair:
- If my hair feels too soft/mushy when wet, I know it's over moisturised
- when my hair feels really hard and dry and just wrong, sometimes it might be too much protein or I might just need to clarify my hair and start over again - protein dc then moisture con then usually porosity control <-- this is my way of resetting my hair.

As a transitioner, I make sure my hair gets enough protein every week. My leave in conditioner (Giovanni Direct Leave In) contains protein, my DC is a light protein and i sometimes use Aphogee 2 min reconstructor as a quick fix once in a while. I also get enough moisture, I cowash 3-4 times a week, DC 2ce a week and moisturise (home made mix) and seal (shea butter mix) 2ce aday.

Thanks you all for the warm welcome. I have been lurking on different threads and trying to soak up as much info as possible! You are right BrooklynSouth. I read things about what this product does and what that products, and I immediately want to try instead of sticking to the stuff I already bought. I dont think I truly had a hair regime before finding LCHF. Now, I try to co-wash about 2x a week (especially since I am working out more often too, on a healthy living tip as well). Washing and deep conditioning once a week.

Not for a long post, but sometimes all this info gets a lil overwhelming. After reading through the threads, I was almost scared of shampoo. lol.. So I will just be patient and trial error. Dang, patience was never one of my stronger suits! lol
Thanks ladies for the support!
Hi, I am new also. I'm only 2 1/2 months into going natural. I need some ideal products and hair care regimens. I also did the bc about the same time. My hair type is 4a. I only have about 2 inches of hair.
Well welcome to all of you newbies.

I would suggest keeping a simple hair journal or diary. I have an electronic one in Word so I know exactly what I was doing and putting in my hair to keep me sane. Updated very regularly in my first 2-3 years.

Now that I have a better understanding of the likes and dislikes for my hair it is pretty simple for me now.

Hope this helps. Remember the search button is your friend and one more thing. Try to keep it simple, it will be very easy to try everything you read but if you look at most of the ladies with healthy long hair you will start noticing almost all of them have pretty simple regimens even if they started out with lots and lots of products.

I was one who in the beginning tried almost everything, but found one format that worked the best for me so I have kept it.

Best wishes to you all.