Newbie Asking for Help - Please?

january noir

Sunny On a Cloudy Day
I need to do something with this 48-year-old head of hair that is naturally thin and aging (grays sprouting everywhere!) :eek: Not that my hair is not healthy, but want to make it as luxurious as it can possibly be! Currently my hair is relaxed and when put in 6-7 braids are 7-10" long each and the diameter of a pencil! :lol:

Help me my sistas! Anyone out there with a similar challenge?

Taking Oil of Olay Vitamins, MSM, Vitamin C, Omega-3 & Oil of Evening Primrose.

Started a week ago with CON Wash 1x a week with airdrying and braidout.
Last night
- CON Wash w/Humectress
- Airdry
- Mango Butter on ends and hairline (new growth); last relaxer 9/15.
- SURGE 14 Hair Revitalizer on scalp, then lightly spritzed on hair after airdrying to sligthly damp and braided (7) sections for braidout.
- Smooth braids with ORS Olive Oil Moisturizing Lotion
- Remove braids and see what happens!

Any advice?
Hey JN!!! I am in my 40s too. I notice that my hair is not as thick as it used to be and I am constantly battling with the gray hair. Since I color and relax, I just make sure that I treat my hair gently (no rough pulling) and I condition like my life depended on it.
I'm 44 and a new henna head thanks to this board (I joined in Sept.) !! It will give your hair shine and luster, color those grays without damaging and over time will thicken up your strands and give your hair strength! There are a few threads going on about this but I will be doing the henna thing from now on!
Folicure poo and cond will make your hair thicker or appear to thicker, my aunt uses this and it has helped her hair look it's best. I also used it years ago, I believe the medications I was taking made my hair thinner, but Folicure thicked it back up.

Also hair vits, stretching relaxer, condition washes, and herbal tea rinses as well as Amla oil will, I believe will help you achive what your looking for.
i'm a newbie too!!

i really gotta ditto what dlewis mentioned about stretching your relaxers - maybe even consider going natural....

i'm transitioning myself - got a loooong way to go though.

my mom is 95% natural - she's 73, has salt & pepper hair, and a pixie cut. the relaxers were killing her hair something fierce. she got most of it cut off, she's deep condishing once a week and i let her use my aubrey's for regular conditioning.

let me tell you her hair looks 100% better, it's softer, thicker and stronger!!

sometimes the relaxers can really thin your strands really bad.
Dear rdm, AtlantaJJ and dlewis

I am feeling the LOVE! Thank you so much for responding so quickly.
Good advice and mention of some products. I will note them and discuss with my stylist (it's because of him I still have hair!):lol:

I have started using the Journal here on the LHCF for my journey and I am taking the Newbie Challenge that was stared yesterday.

Pray for me!

January Noir aka Sonja
Welcome:wave: . I would like to add weekly deep conditioning. I like to alternate between moisturizers and proteins. Keeping your hair moisturized will help you retain length.
I would like to add stretching relaxers and protective stylyes also helped me to go from being a couple inches past my shoulders to brastrap.
Hey Brickhouse! Thanks!

I feel you on the stretching. My friend Danny (who is my Stylist) refrains from relaxing until it's absolutely necessary. The longest stretch I've had was 10 weeks. I found the Humectress as a CON Wash works wonders on my new growth. I was amazed to see the results. (Off to the store to buy the LARGE size bottle)...

I realize that I need to moisturize and deep condition in-between visits to Danny. I have been doing nothing to my hair between visits (not even washing!) LOL. I guess I got lazy from all the years I wore a full weave and had it professionally maintained.

Thanks again! Love ya!
january noir said:
Hey Brickhouse! Thanks!

I feel you on the stretching. My friend Danny (who is my Stylist) refrains from relaxing until it's absolutely necessary. The longest stretch I've had was 10 weeks. I found the Humectress as a CON Wash works wonders on my new growth. I was amazed to see the results. (Off to the store to buy the LARGE size bottle)...

I realize that I need to moisturize and deep condition in-between visits to Danny. I have been doing nothing to my hair between visits (not even washing!) LOL. I guess I got lazy from all the years I wore a full weave and had it professionally maintained.

Thanks again! Love ya!

You will do great. Just find out what works for you. I am still trying to tame my pjism. You can do a search and check out some really good albums like adrienne0914 and donkspeakdefeat for starters. Both album gives step by step instructions on the baggie method.

I'm not in the 40 club, but looking forward to it down the road and can attest to the wonders of henna. My hair was thick when I first started using it in Jan., but now, it's SUPER, thick, shiny, soft, and strong.
all i can suggest is that you deepcondition at least once a week with a moisturizing conditioner and be very gentle with your hair.
Mestiza said:

I'm not in the 40 club, but looking forward to it down the road and can attest to the wonders of henna. My hair was thick when I first started using it in Jan., but now, it's SUPER, thick, shiny, soft, and strong.

I am in the 40s club and Henna has been the gold mine find for me since I joined this board!!
Henna seems to be what most people are recommending. I used to get Hennas years ago and I can't remember why my stylist discontinued them. I used to get Bigen (sp?) Anyhow, I will talk to him and see what he says.

I have started using the Amla oil the dLewis recommended and I LOVE it! With the first use (slept with in in my hair overnight) my hair looked so shiney and felt stronger as it said it would.

Amla will become one of my staples.

I'll keep everyone posted about the henna.

Thanks for the advice Ladies. Keep it coming!:D
AtlantaJJ said:
I'm 44 and a new henna head thanks to this board (I joined in Sept.) !! It will give your hair shine and luster, color those grays without damaging and over time will thicken up your strands and give your hair strength! There are a few threads going on about this but I will be doing the henna thing from now on!

That's exactly what I was going to say. Henna has been a Godsend for all the reasons JJ listed.