Newbie and need help!


:perplexed Hello everyone. I am new to this site. I was browsing the internet looking for something on haircare. I found several sites, but this one seems to be the most informative. Up until about three weeks ago, I thought my hair was fairly healthy. I had found a new stylist and she had started my hair to growing at a pretty good rate. About two weeks after my last relaxer, I started having this really bad itching in a spot on the back of my head. When I would scratch, the hair would literally break off. Right before this, I had started taking a combination of medications, and feel that this was the reason for the breakage(it was a side effect on each of the medications). I went to my stylist and she began treating it. The itching and breakage stopped immediately. My question is, has anyone else had this problem or know of anyone who has? Is there anything that anyone can recommend to speed up the growth? Your help is greatly appreciated.

My first post was sent to the wrong board, I'm sorry.

I haven't had this problem, but maybe you should see a dermatologist to see if they can give you something to counteract the problem.

My name is Aaliyah Bannister and I am a newbie also but I have not figured out how to post a Thread sooo I jumped on this one to introduce myself. I have been lurking on lhcf for tooo long and I am happy to be a member.

Thank You,

Aaliyah Bannister
Welcome ladies! :wave:

I had that problem in the back. Never learn quite where the problem came from..However, I just used some Sulfur 8 at first. Then began taking care of my hair the LHCF way and my nape is now past my shoulders a bit. It will take time sweetie, just relax and enjoy this new journey. It is quite exciting!!

sunkissedbronze, just look at top it says NEW THREAD click that and get started!

Hi mrsv,

First off, are you still on the meds? If you are or must continue to be, your overall health is priority.

But, if you are off the meds, I have some questions:

1) How long in between ending the meds and your relaxer?

2) Did your hairdresser change the routine at all?

I ask because if you factor out the meds, it could be that your hairdresser overlapped the relaxer and your hair broke off b/c of it. The meds could be factor in the weakened state of your hair.

As for suggestions, I would strongly suggest stretching your touchups as far apart as you can stand it. As you research this board, you will find that it is a great method of growing your hair (but it does require effort!). When you do relax, consider not leaving the relaxer on for the usual time. Cut the time (texturizing) and DON'T relax your hair bone straight.

If you can, and with the consent of your doctor, start taking vitamins, and increase your daily water intake as much as possible. This is huge for your hair & skin.

Be NICE to your hair! Cut down on the heat as much as possible, and make sure it stays moist in between washings. (essential oils are great for this).

Wrap your hair gently at night. Not too tight. Or, use silk or satin pillowcases.

Protective styles: You didn't say how long your hair is, but if it's brushing your shoulders, keep it up and away! You can look up "protective styles" here on LHCF.

Stop blowdrying your hair. Use rollersets or wraps to dry your hair straight. Takes practice, but I swear that rollersets have saved my hair.

Shampoo less, and with shampoos that don't have Sodium Lauryl (or Laureth) Sulfate, or Ammonium Lauryl Sulfates. They strip the hair. BUT: Do clarify your hair every month or so. This gets rid of buildup and lets the products you use actually penetrate the hair shaft.

Best advice? READ on the forum. Ask questions. We are here to help & be helped.


My best to you.
Welcome ladies:newbie:

Congrats for finding this awesome community I've been here for a little ove a month and am totally addicted.

Re: mrsv's challenge. Ditto a dermatologist visit. Once you identify the skin problem follow the great advice for hair care on this board. There's a lot to take in and much of it is invaluable. ;)
aileenadq,In response to yopur post, I am no longer taking the medications, but I was when my hair began to fall out. My perm waabout 2 1/2 to 3 weeks old. I usually get a retouch every 5 to 6 weeks. My hair barely touches my shoulders, but I had never thought about the brushing against my shoulders as being damaging, but now that I think about it, I can see how that is possible. My stylist does roller wrap it and I do wrap it with a satin scarf at night, so the only thing I can think of is the medications, because that's the only change.

Thank you sooooooooooooo much for the help. I've taken in so much in the past few days!!!
juicy555 said:
Welcome ladies:newbie:

Congrats for finding this awesome community I've been here for a little ove a month and am totally addicted.

Re: mrsv's challenge. Ditto a dermatologist visit. Once you identify the skin problem follow the great advice for hair care on this board. There's a lot to take in and much of it is invaluable. ;)

I wish I had found it sooner...