Newbie!!!! A $6.50 well spent!!


Well-Known Member
Hi, Everyone :wave:

My name is Janie and I am 19 years old and am a freshman in university. I am new to the site, but not that new. I have been lurking for about a year now. I just happened to stumble on to this site last year when I was looking for ways to grow out my hair. This forum has been TREMENDOUSLY helpful in my HHJ (I know most of the acronyms, I've been lurking for way too long lol). I want to THANK all of the ladies on this forum for helping me get on the right path to healthy hair, especially the naturals. I was unknowingly transitioning to natural before I found this forum (shows how little I truly knew about hair care lol) and by the time I discovered LHCF i was already fully natural as my relaxer ends had all broke off lol. The naturals on this forum made me see the beauty in natural hair and I decided I am NEVER relaxing me hair again. I have been wearing braid extensions since i was 5 but have never achieved any growth from it due to a lack of knowledge on how to care for braids and my natural hair so my hair has always been around SL, but thanks to the forum my hair is growing and I am retaining length using the Crown & Glory method.

I am sorry I don't have any pictures because I don't have a digital camera:sad:, but my hair is pretty much in braids right now and I get braids pretty much every couple of months.

I am currently 4a/b SL Natural and my ultimate goal is 4a/b Natural MBL/when straightened

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Welcome!! I joined in December and I'm technically a newcomer too. The tips in this forum are very helpful. MBL hair is great! I have relaxed hair and I wonder how long my hair would truly be if I went totally natural. I'm afraid to go natural because I'm not talented in hair care so when I was a teenager I had a lot of burn spots. But, maybe that can be avoided if I were to get it professionally pressed.

Or maybe texlaxing would be good? I usually get Affirm applied every 7-8 weeks for 12 mins. How long does it take to get braids? If I were to get braids for the summer can I still co-wash 1x per week?
Or maybe texlaxing would be good? I usually get Affirm applied every 7-8 weeks for 12 mins. How long does it take to get braids? If I were to get braids for the summer can I still co-wash 1x per week?

Texlaxing would be good also. I have a little cousin about 15 she had horrible relaxer damage and her mother decided just to cut all of her hair off about two years ago and when it grew to about an inch she got a texturizer and was able to manage it in her hair now she has SL hair it could be longer but she uses too much direct heat and relaxes her hair ofter. As for braids the shortest time it has taken was 4 hours and that is because I had 4 people working on my hair, but the average is 6 or 7 but it depends on how fast the braider is, the length, and the style. And I co-wash now with Suave Tropical Coconut and it helps to make my hair inside the braid more moisturized
This is funny, because I came on here today just to figure out if I wanted to pay the $6.50 and then I saw this. Thanks you inspired me to know this was a good choice, I've been lurking as well, I don't know half the acronyms, but I'm trying to do this natural thing right, so that I never go back to creamy crack and my hair exceeds the expectations that society has for it :)