NEW to this board, and got a lot going on!!

Little Miss3

New Member
Just wanted to introduce myself – HELLO ALL :wave: New to this board but not to others. (have always been a lurker) Ok here’s what’s going on with me here in Cincy:

1.Got A New Digital Camera
My lovely son (14yrs old) got me one for my birthday (Friday July 15th - 31yrs yrs young) with his own money. He has a summer job and instead of buying him new shoes or things that he likes he brought mommy a DC, toe rings and a watch. What a BLESSED mother I am. :Rose:

2.Final Decided to go 100% Natural :shocked:
I have not had a perm since last Aug. I have been wearing sew-ins and braids. After I decided I had enough with the OTHER hair, I wanted to see what MY hair was like. Well
after all the advice and info one the boards, I decided that I would love to see what my natural hair was like. I think I am a 4b, hell I may even be a 4b-z, very think spongy hair.
I still need to get 1 to 2 in. cut, I will do that when I return from vacation in Aug :beach: (need braids for vacation). My hubby says he thinks natural hare is sexy; don’t know why he is just now speaking up!:dance7:

3.Got My Eyebrows Threaded
I had never even heard of eyebrow threading before the boards, did a search on the net and low and behold, there was an Indian girl that lives close to me that only charges $5.00. I went on Friday and let me tell you, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my brows. I feel like a movie star! Now it did hurt a bit but not that bad. It does hurt a little more that waxing. It's just a price to pay for beauty :eyebrows2

4.Got a New Fall
It’s call the NITA by Outre. It has a straw set look. It looks so natural everyone thinks it’s my hair. LOVING IT.

I am trying to post pics but it's taking a little time to post in my fotki.
Happy Birthday and welcome to the board! I can't wait to see your pics.

It sounds like we are doing the same things to our hair. I haven't relaxed since last July but I don't know if I'm really transitioning (I always change styles) or if I'm still going for my relaxed hair goal.I haven't chopped off my relaxed ends and they're still pretty healthy so I'm not sure what the next step is. I've been doing the weave thing since around october and I'm still comfortable with it - it makes my life soooo much easier.
Welcome to the board. You've just reminded me I need to go to Tooting and get my eyebrows threaded. They really need a good ol shape up.
Hello and welcome to the board. I am sure you will love it here :) What does it mean to "Thread" your eyebrows? Is it like waxing?