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I am new to your discussion board, and i do not know if this is the right way of posting my questions, and if it is not, hope I did not offend anyone.

I just wanted a little bite of help in bringing my hair back healthy and long . I have heard that Affirm relaxer is a great relaxer system, however i live in canada, (toronto), and i can not seem to find a hair dresser that use that product, is it safe to order from websites and send to canada, and then bring it to a local hairdresser. Also do i need all the products that comes with the line. Also, the one that i think i need has a 9 kit doe that mean i can use one ite everytime, i go for my touchup.

thanks for any information i can get, in the battle of healthy hair.
I don't know how to answer your question, I know nothing about relaxers. But you may want to PM one of the mods a getting your named changed. (unless you want everyone to know your personal email address).
honeycomb719, Allandra, pebbles, Supergirl, Enchantmt, dontspeakdefeat
One of these ladies should be able to help you with that. You can just click on their name and go down to the section about sending them a PM.
I hope you enjoy your time here. Welcome to LHCF!


I don't know much about Affirm but I know that you will find great info. here. Don't let it overwhelm you, just take it slow.

Feel free to ask us all any questions that you may have!
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I will let someone else chime in about where to purchase the products and have them delivered to Canada.
I use Affirm Lye regular. I used the keracare products exclusively for a couple of years, before I realized that they weren't giving me what I needed. Check out the regimen building stickies, to determine what your needs are. In my opinion, it is best to do the affirm 5 in 1 or positive link conditioner with each relaxer touchup you get. You and/or your stylist will be able to see if you need it more often than that. You will have to determine your needs, as the whole line can be unneccesary. There are products that can give the same or better results depending on your hair. For basic maintanance if you want to try the keracare products, I would just go with the hydrating/detangling shampoo, one of the dcs: humecto/dry&itchy/or moisturizing conditioner for color treated hair. If you like a setting aid, the keracare setting lotion is good, but watch out for dryness. Word of caution from someone who learned the hard way: If you have hard water, the keracare first lather shampoo will not get rid of mineral deposits and is very stripping. There are other gentler more effective chelating shampoos on the market. HTH

there is a beauty supply in Brampton that sells both a wide range of keracare and affirm products at reasonable prices if you willing to travel... I can't remember the name of the store but if your interested you can pm me and i'll as my mom for the address.

happy hair growing!!!!
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Re: New to this wonderful way of sharing information


I will let someone else chime in about where to purchase the products and have them delivered to Canada.
I use Affirm Lye regular. I used the keracare products exclusively for a couple of years, before I realized that they weren't giving me what I needed. Check out the regimen building stickies, to determine what your needs are. In my opinion, it is best to do the affirm 5 in 1 or positive link conditioner with each relaxer touchup you get. You and/or your stylist will be able to see if you need it more often than that. You will have to determine your needs, as the whole line can be unneccesary. There are products that can give the same or better results depending on your hair. For basic maintanance if you want to try the keracare products, I would just go with the hydrating/detangling shampoo, one of the dcs: humecto/dry&itchy/or moisturizing conditioner for color treated hair. If you like a setting aid, the keracare setting lotion is good, but watch out for dryness. Word of caution from someone who learned the hard way: If you have hard water, the keracare first lather shampoo will not get rid of mineral deposits and is very stripping. There are other gentler more effective chelating shampoos on the market. HTH

I get what you are saying, and i am thinking more about it i want to beable to have a produce that is easily at reach and not having to order it from somewhere, i have to find what works for me and i do not think affirm will work. I have tried organic root relaxer, however i did not find it relaxed my hair. I have really coarse hair, and its hard to relax. I also think because of this forum, i am at the begining phrase, and right now i am trying to stop breakage before i even process it again. The aphogee has really worked, and i think in the next week i will beable to relax my hair.

Do you think even if i do not use the affirm relaxer i can use their other product. Thanks again for all the advice, i am going to start taking it easy from now on.