I'm new to the forum and I have a few questions. I've been reading about the Condition washes and I need some help. My hair textures a 4A and my hair's about 12" long all around. I would like to try to the condition wash because I have frizzy hair one the ends, and my hair soaks up soo much moisture. I purchased the Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner. Can someone advise me to what I should do exactly and what are the full benefits?
Additionally, I'm talking GNC's Nourishair Vitamin. I believe I has 600mcg of Biotin and I take 2 a day. Should I take anything else?
Thank you /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm new to the forum and I have a few questions. I've been reading about the Condition washes and I need some help. My hair textures a 4A and my hair's about 12" long all around. I would like to try to the condition wash because I have frizzy hair one the ends, and my hair soaks up soo much moisture. I purchased the Suave Tropical Coconut Conditioner. Can someone advise me to what I should do exactly and what are the full benefits?
Additionally, I'm talking GNC's Nourishair Vitamin. I believe I has 600mcg of Biotin and I take 2 a day. Should I take anything else?
Thank you /images/graemlins/smile.gif