New to Group and need help


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking around in this group for some months now and I started using the mega tek 10/08 on top of my dry curl. Found this after I made the stupid move to put the curl in after being 5 1/2 years natrual. I have very fine and very curly hair but it is real tight curls and I like to have them loose. Chemicals do not agree with my hair at all and I should know this from using the curls for years prior to me being natrual. I broke down because my hair was not growing back, in 5 years my hair was only pass my shoulders but at the time I was using henna all the time like every 2 months or so and that is hard on my hair as well. I am on several meds now and I thought because I was getting older that my hair was just not growing anymore to find out that it was just breaking off.

Well here I go again, my hair is falling out. It was breaking before the megatek but now it is breaking right down to the new growth. If it keeps up I will be bald. I don't know if I over protein it or not and I don't know if I should just let it keep breaking or just shave it off. My husband will have a fit but I want to shave instead of cutting it because I want to promote thicker growth.

Need your help ladies:wallbash:
Well bless your heart. I for one believe that it's the mega tek. That's HEAVY protein. Henna is good for the hair but YOU MUST MOISTURIZE before and after the treatment. I think you just were a little heavy handed on the protein. Try to balance more. You might want to baggy overnight every other night since you use so much protein. Breakage is usually a sign of over doing it with protein, mushiness is over doing it with moisture. Good luck. I hope your hair turns around for the better.
Thank you, I put my second bottle in the cabinet LOL. I am just upset about having to start all over again.
Oh I just remembered I start noticing this when I started using the Indian powder shampoo. Amla, shikakai & brahmi. Because when I first started with megatek I had no problems I started this month or last month with these powders along with it and the only other thing I use is hairveda and I co washing everyday or every other day non protien con.
Hmmm, I've never used the powders, but I've used brahmi oil and I still use amla oil. I wonder if it took time for the protein to build up? I wish I could look at your hair and consult with you, LOL! I can feel your desire to get to the bottom of this.
Try deep conditioning overnight a few times a week with a moisturizing dc.

It sounds like your hair needs lots of moisture, dc'ing overnight is a great way to get that moisture back :yep: What conditioners do you have?
I have been reading my labels all day and I find that most of the products have some kind of protien in them. I really messed up this time but I really think it was the chemcials more so than the protien because this happen 6 years ago with my last curl back than. I am off chemicals for good and will keep my regi bare mim for now. So I am starting all over again and use the clippers and call it a lesson learn that I have to write down do I will not forget. LOL
Since this is my 2 year anniversary from when I started letting my hair grow back. I had to go back and remember where I started from to where I am now. I cut it all off to 1/4" and I was loving that cut so much that I kept it until Feb of 2009. it is 2011 and I now have 8 1/2" of hair on my head. I just really had to up date this thread. I know that I am bad but I just had to sneak that one in there.
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Since this is my 2 year anniversary from when I started letting my hair grow back. I had to go back and remember where I started from to where I am now. I cut it all off to 1/4" and I was loving that cut so much that I kept it until Feb of 2009. it is 2011 and I now have 8 1/2" of hair on my head. I just really had to up date this thread. I know that I am bad but I just had to sneak that one in there.

Great progress!:congrats: Keep up the good work!
Congrats & keep up the good work.....*Thanks for the update...

Post some pix please!

Happy Hair Growing!
I am really so sorry that I can not post the pictures. but I have the length now and it is doing great.