New to Forum...Lurking no more!


New Member
Hi everyone!!!! it's about time i became a member of this site!!! i've been lurking for a really long time!!!

I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself! I started my hair journey in earnest, a little over a year ago when I was lucky enough to find this site. Since then I've started to incorporate many of the healthy practices I've learned on this site into my day-to-day regi. And for the most part my hair has really thrived :grin:. Right now I'm a little past APL ( I just cut off 2" in early June) and I'm hoping to get back to BSL before the end of the year.

I just purchased my first bottle of MTG- but I'm a bit hesitant to use it. I've already read through a number of the threads on MTG :spinning:, but could use a little more motivation.

Please share your MTG success stories. Thanks in advance!!!

*Welcome* to the board. I only used mtg for a short while b/c one time I was in the elevator at work and one of my co-workers asked if I smell bacon (what was worse was that I was wearing a half wig w/ a wig cap and the smell was so stong). That was the last time I used mtg.

I've never used MTG because the talk of how it smelled scared me. :lol:

I used MTG a few years ago but I stopped so I could try Mega-Tek. I read that someone poured out most of the liquid then mixed the remaining product with Creme of Nature Lemongrass and Rosemary Leave-In Conditioner to cut the smell.
Wow..Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
After my DH smelled the MTG he actually offered to by all of my Hair products for the next year if I returned it--- so bye bye MTG!!

He has no Idea what he just agreed to do :grin:
It's nice to have you here Lady B, welcome. I've used MTG for a while, got good resultus with it. Never had anyine complain about the smell but person have to me my hair smells like sulphur. You could still try using it and mask the smell with lavender oil or rosemary oil like someone posted earlier. It's really not that bad. Oh i should tell you it makes your hair shiny too.

I would say mask the smell, try it by pouring a small amount in an applicator bottle and if you don't like it then you could stop using it. The proof is in the usage.
Wow..Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
After my DH smelled the MTG he actually offered to by all of my Hair products for the next year if I returned it--- so bye bye MTG!!

He has no Idea what he just agreed to do :grin:

Poor Husbands... You gotta love them.:lol: