New To Dating! What Do You Ladies Think About This?


Well-Known Member
So I met this guy today and we started chatting. I gave him my number and a little while after he texts me and says "Not to be disrespectful but you have nice lips" I haven't answered him

I think this is a bit too forward when you are just meeting someone. But he seems like an aggressive guy. Harmless or not?
Why do you ask? I don't feel comfortable with that but I have very very little experience with men and I used to be somewhat of a recluse so not very much social interaction either
Why do you ask? I don't feel comfortable with that but I have very very little experience with men and I used to be somewhat of a recluse so not very much social interaction either

I figured you were either young or very inexperienced. Either way, it was a compliment. Just say thank you.
I wouldn't bother with him again if I was seeking a potential mate. Although, I'm a little old fashioned about how men approach and talk to me (which has served me well).

Besides that it sounds really lame as an opening message:D. When I was online dating I never replied to anyone sending me basic comments like that as a first message (which again has served me well lol). I know I have nice lips. Where's the conversation and effort. Not my type. Everyone likes different things though. I stick to what I prefer rather than following what my friends might think is OK etc....
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I didn't for a while and he changed the subject and ask how was my day lol. IDK, I think he has a kid and I don't think I see myself in a relationship with a guy with a kid. Do you think I'd be leading him on to keep conversing with him

This guy I'm texting approached me, but usually that doesn't happen that often. I had a crush on another guy I would see often at certain events I attend. He mentioned to me today that he was married :whyme:. I'm like you've been flirting with me for weeks and NOW you decide to tell me your married? He was the one who started flirting with me first! He even told me we should go out running one day. I felt like the biggest fool. I guess he could tell I was attracted to him and it flattered him. He liked the attention. Eventually I guess his conscience got the better of him and he decided to tell me.

This one guy at worked asked me to "hang out" but I can't take him seriously and I really don't see him in a romantic way.

What do you guys think I can do about seeing more men? No experience with guys, never been kissed, nothing. I'm starting to get nervous because I'm getting older (mid 20s) and it seems like everyone is either getting married or having kids and I'm here stuck like a prepubescent kid.
You need to school yourself on how the game is played so you won't be a victim. Don't advertise the fact that you haven't been kissed or anything else. They will see you as a challenge and try to be the first. Don't be desperate to make anyone "the one". Have fun and don't think about the end result being marriage or a long term relationship. Take time to get to know what you like and don't like in a partner.
That's good I'll remember all of that. I don't really take this guy seriously though. I just think he want to sleep with me for some reason. IDK just intuition... that's why I wondered what you ladies thought. I'll ask him what he meant and see what he says lol

Edit: I don't think this guy that asked for my number is sincere at all. He kept sending me texts all through the day. I told him I didn't really like texting as it's an impersonal way to get to know someone and I'd rather talk face to face. He hasn't really initiated anything past then. I think he was just trying to game me out of my panties lol and he texting would be an easy way to do it. Maybe going out is too much work for him
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