New Swim Lessons: Pre/Post Hair Care Prep


New Member
Good day, all....

I start swimming lessons next week (second time around! I'm not giving up!) and I'd appreciate some tips on how to take care of my hair before, during and after the lesson/pool time. I plan to wear a swim cap. I just BC'd about a month ago and I'm still learning re. styling, so I do not have a regular range of styles just yet.

The lessons start at noon on Saturday, so I do not have to be concerned about "glamming up" before or after the lesson. I will go to the rec center from home my plan is, after the lesson, to go to the library to study (I'm pretty sure I can shower, dress, etc.).

I already have a range of shampoos and conditioners to use, but if there's a serious recommendation, I'm willing to invest to ensure that my hair will be well-protected.

Thanks in advance.
Be careful of the swim cap! I'm relaxed, so it might be different for a natural, but it caused breakage at my hairline. I would recommend daily rinsing and conditioning and shampooing weekly.
Pre-wet and put conditioner in your hair pre-swim. That will help prevent hair (any that escapes, or sometimes gets wet on the edges) from soaking up lots of chlorine.
UmSumayyah said:
Pre-wet and put conditioner in your hair pre-swim. That will help prevent hair (any that escapes, or sometimes gets wet on the edges) from soaking up lots of chlorine.

ditto; really works
Good for you for not giving up! I can swim, but I recently took a round of lessons to improve stroke and breathing techniques. I don't have any product recs, but I would just say that you should wet your hair before you put the swim cap on. I used to hate swimming caps because I believed they pulled my hair out. I would always have hair pulling when I put it on because my hair was dry. If you wet your hair, and put a little conditioner on, then slip the cap over your hair, it will slide on like butter! Have fun learning to swim!
Buy you some cheapy conditioners that you can use as a coat for your hair.

When I swim (and I swim usually at least once a week during the summer) - I'll put some Suave Milk and Honey in my hair before I swim. I don't know how much this is actually working because it just washes off in the pool, but it makes ME feel better HAHA.

The important part: when you get out: rinse your hair immediately. The longer the chlorine is allowed to dry in your hair, the more damage it will have on your hair. My pool has showers right there - when I get out (and realize I'm not getting back in), I'll go and hang out in the shower for a few minutes while I rinse my hair to remove ALL traces of chlorine.

If I remember, I'll put some leave-in or more Milk and Honey in my hair afterwards (especially if I know I'm going to be in the sun some more - nothing like a sun baked deep conditioning treatment) - but most of the time I forget to bring it with me.


Most important thing: rinse that head when you get out. Get that chlorine OUT of your hair.
congratulations on starting your swim classes again!!! My swim class start this tuesday (first time around) and a little while ago, i asked the same question on this board, almost word for word as in your first sentence!!! A lot of ladies gave me wonderful advice on what to do... here is a link to that thread....

Also, here is another thread with suggestions

Personally, when i went to walmart, target and a few drug stores in my area... i could only find "Loreal Kids extra gentle 2-in-1 Swim & Sport Shampoo" (no dust, no dirt, no tears, no chlorine). I bet that if I searched harder, that i might had found some of the other swimmers/no chlorine shampoos that are suggested, but i was in a hurry each time i went to the store and this was all i could find. I wasnt going to buy it at first because its for kids, but then i thought what the hey. Its gentle, gets the chlorine out, its $3.50 and hey... no tears!!!

So before i swim, i plan to soak my hair with clean water and conditioner (probably one of my cheap VO5 moisture milks).

During, i'm not sure how i'll wear it, but either in a secured bun, a ponytail, or i'm thinking of a french roll in the back closely to my scalp with a big (gentle/seamless) hair comb to secure it and maybe i'll use a few bobby pins in the front to keep my hair out of my face.... Not sure which works best with a swim cap... but i'll figure it out i guess as the classes progress....I may do something completely different...

Then i'm going to use the Loreal kids shampoo afterwards followed by LeKair's Cholestorol Conditioner mixed with Apple Cider Vinegar (i'll premix it and put it into an old conditioner bottle before i get there, and then shake it up and use after i wash... i love how my hair feels during and after using that conditioner and vinegar combo. I just really want to make sure that my hair is moisturized after swiming in that pool for 2 hours).

Lastly, I think i'll towle dry 50% and then lightly apply a leavin and then let my hair air-dry the rest of the way in a bun.

Sorry so long!!! hope this helps, and good luck in class!:)

ETA: ok, today i bought my swimcap... There is no way i was going to put buns, ponytails, combs, clips, bobbypins etc under that thing! My big a*@ head had a hard time fitting into the cap as it was! I dont know what i was thinking!!! They come in standard sizes and i guess the tightness helps keep it to stay on and keep hair in place. Maybe frenchbraids could work under the cap.
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What if you don't wear a swim cap? I have my toddler in a swim class, and I have to be in the pool with him b/c of his age. We started today, and had a blast! :D I rinsed well in the shower, shampooed, and d/c for 45 mins (no heat, just a processing cap), applied leave-in, and sealed with oil.

I don't think this pool uses chlorine, but one of the alternatives. I don't smell that overwhelming 'bleach' smell that usually comes with indoor pools.
I love to swim:grin: I used to use a cholesteral condish & a silicone swim cap pre-swim. After, I used Ion swimmers shampoo & condish. I have used the Ultra swim set also, but haven't seen it in a while. I just left the condish in & braided or did a wash n go...

I just reread Curly Girl book this morning, she says that you don't have to shampoo after swimming, just be sure to rinse the hair thoroughly to be sure all traces of chlorine are out & then condish. I want to try this because I am really liking COing, but want to be sure the chlorine is out of my hair.

Enjoy your lessons:)
I swam as a youth and I still swim daily now for exercise. I know what you ladies mean when you say it's hard to get into your swim caps, and I used to have this problem, but the girls that swim competitively showed me a trick, if you have someone helping you, hold the edge of the swim cap to your forehead and they hold the other end and 'swing' it over your head. It fits tighter and better. I used to double up swim caps, and the one on the inside was smaller, and only the back of my head would get wet (and that was if I had a 'potrusion' there...)
As for now? I have braids, so before I get in the water, I put oils in my hair (which I'm sure the owner of the facility won't appreciate) and I find that this coats my hair better than conditioner and it isn't as wet.
After swimming, I rinse my hair before going in, then I wash my hair with the Aveda swimmers shampoo ($9) and condition, then spray it with a leave in cond, and I'm good to go. I find that I need more moisture on my hair since I swim everyday, but it's still quite healthy.
Make sure to deep condition, and applky moisture, so that it doens't get brittle and dry.
Last summer before I went to the beach on the weekends I would wet my hair, put conditioner in it, and run some hair grease on the ends. Not sure if that was a good idea.

Next summer I'm going to get some swimmers shampoo like you guys.
I start swimming lessons next week (second time around! I'm not giving up!)

Here's a website with all kinds of info about swim caps:

The tight latex ones pull too much for me, but that's just personal preference.

Yay for you with the swimming lessons! Can take a while to learn but it is so worth it.

Swimming was one of the original motivations for my mom, my sister and I to go natural.

Years ago, my brother worked as a lifeguard and he used to lament the small number of sisters who swim.