New Smoothing treatment from Sallys

FYI: The girl at Sally's told me that it would be going on sale for its promotional price in June. I think I'll wait to try it until then.
FYI: The girl at Sally's told me that it would be going on sale for its promotional price in June. I think I'll wait to try it until then.

Dang! I was just going to use my 15% off coupon...I think I can still use it, thus get it cheaper! Just checked...yep, good until the 21st! I have been checking out the reviews in this thread and at the Sally's website, so I'm still on the fence about it.
hi...i thought I upadated after washing. Oooops guess I didn't. Well my daughter's hair care out really nice. Her hair was so easy to comb and less than half amount of hair came out. She had curls and not one big puff that gets rough once it starts to dry. I'm not sure how often I would use but it is a keeper for her. I didn't use the poo in the line...i used the Renpure poo and con. Post pics tomorrow...
I washed it out curls are just less bulky when wet wiith product and dont draw up as tightly which im ok with for now. it doesnt give the silky smooth feeling like a real keratin treatment. it was really easy to blow out my hair afterwards. I liked how my hair acted when it was straight with the treatment in as well. I still prefer the real stuff compared to this...this is like a light keratin does work but the results are not dramatic at all.
I tried it last week, and so far so good. It takes FOREVER to do this (about 4-5 hours), but as of today, I am pleased. I have 4a fine, natural hair, and needed something to reduce my frizz for these humid summer months. So far, it's soft, straight, bouncy and shiny. I got no frizz all weekend, which never happens. My hair doesn't hold curl well anyway, so when it's blowing in the wind, the curls are really just blowing out. I didn't like was the whole "leave it alone" for 3 days thing. My hair doesn't work like that, so I had to flatiron/style it again this weekend so I wouldn't look a mess. I haven't washed it out yet, but I will do so this evening and post a review. Unfortunately, I didn't take pics, but I will take some tonight or tomorrow morning.
Funny thing, I left a nice long detailed review of this product on Sally's website and I see they have removed or hidden it. So let me see if I can relay my experience with this stuff. I tried it about 4 weeks ago. I washed my hair using their claryfying shampoo. I sat under the dryer to let my hair dry. Afterwards I proceeded with the treatment. I put it on and let it sit for the appropriate time per the box instructions and this is where everything got, well............not so good. Per the instructions you are to blow dry the hair with a paddle brush or attachment comb BUT the treatment had my hair so stiff I thought I was gonna pull out ALL of my hair. I thought how can anyone get an attachment comb or paddle brush through such stiff hair???? I managed and finally got my hair dry. It felt so waxy though. I was like ewwwwwww. So I proceeded to flat iron it using 450 degree heat. My hair still felt waxy and certainly was bushy...........nothing smooth about it. The next day I noticed my hair was less waxy but VERY dry. This concerned me but I ignored it because per instructions no washing or anything intil 72 hours I think. The next day it was still dry and I thought okay that's it, I'm washing my hair and deep conditioning it. I used their keratin products and washed my hair and DC my hair. Here is where things got well.........more interesting. After deep conditioning my hair I proceeded to detangle but there were NO tangles!!! I said it like that because my hair is seriously and has always been a tangled mess..............wet or dry. Even stylists complain but it's the texture which causes it to tangle so much but anyway I was like super shocked!!!! Oh and NO breakage anywhere!!! So the products is doing SOMETHING but definitely not straightening or smoothing the way they claim. Would I use it again? If it weren't for the difficulty of trying to blow dry stiff hair, I would say yes but because of that very reason...............NO!!

Forgot to mention, the next day I started noticing some reversion so I had to flat iron my hair again. The day after that, still the same thing. More reversion. Weird!

FYI............This stuff contains Vanillin and when heated to 450, it turns into formaldehyde so make sure you have the area ventilated when doing this.
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So it contains formaldehyde after all just hidden, hmmm....

i dont know about hidden. there is a reason they said "no formaldehyde added". is 450 really the threashold for formaldehyde to be released? i knew about vanillin but i wanted to know what was the point that it released the gas because wouldnt that mean when you are baking formaldehyde is released too?

at least you can get it on your skin because its eaten all of the time
ITA with most of what Brighteyes said.

I did mine on Friday. I washed my hair 5 times with the poo provided. The poo didn’t tangle my hair too bad (thank goodness). I made sure I combed it each time with my Jilbere, which helped. I blowdried my hair and put the treatment on. I was worried that 2 oz. wouldn’t be enough, but it was just right. Then it said to blowdry with a paddle brush. My mind was saying “:nono: I don’t think so” but what the heck…I’ve come this far. My hair felt so thick, stiff and waxy, I was extremely worried about pulling clumps of hair out. :perplexed Thank goodness that didn’t happen. It wasn’t easy though. I think this was the hardest part of the process. I tried using the attachment, but it flew across the room. :lachen:

Even after blowdrying, I had a difficult time sectioning my hair for flatironing. My flatiron doesn’t go to 450, so I opted for 400-410 and did 3-4 passes. My hair was very silky, soft, and light and feathery. :grin: The whole process took me a little over 4 hours. But then I realized I didn’t have a style. So I flatironed it quickly into a style. I went out that night, and I got no frizz. The box says it reduces frizz about 90%, and I would have to agree. I can honestly say that no relaxer or Dominican blowout has ever left my hair this soft and bouncy. HOWEVER, my curls didn’t last at all. No frizz, but no curls either. My hair is somewhat fine/limp, so I don’t usually keep curls long anyway, but this was record time for me. LOL

Now the box says not to do anything to the hair for 3 days. Who’s hair? Not my hair… I can’t just leave it and wake up and go just like that! Nah kid. I tried pincurling it that night, but by noon Saturday, my curls were all gone. So I flatironed it curly again. I figured this thing works off heat, so I should be fine. So far so good. Sunday, same thing. LOL So I decided that once I hit the 72-hr mark, I was washing this stuff out so I can really do my hair.
I washed it last night with the Ion keratin products. I loved the way my hair felt, and I had no tangles and lost no hair. My curls were definitely looser, but not 50% as the box suggests. I would say maybe 25-30%. With conditioner in, they were so defined and pretty. I have been natural for almost 2 years and have yet to wear a wash n go because it never looks right. Seeing my hair with conditioner on it, made me think I could do it successfully. As I'm searching for my comb attachment, my hair is drying quickly! I finally found it and the comb glided thru my hair like it wasn’t even wet. And it dried super fast!

I was nervous about what products I could use on my hair, so I decided I wouldn’t use anything. I flatironed it curly and pincurled it. I watched some TV, took the pincurls down, and after about 2 hours, 85-90% of my curls were gone. Hair still blowing in the wind (I’m talking 1a blowing in the wind), but no curls! So at this point, I’m a little ticked off. LOL So I decided to just wrap it and figure it out in the morning.

I used my curling iron this morning and it looked good, but by the time I got to work…you guessed it…no curls. But dang this hair is moving like it has a mind of its own!

I’m torn because I love the overall results, but I don’t like that I can’t hold curls. I will have to keep working with it to see what I can do to make it work. I may try Carusos. Also, I dread having to blowdry my hair with that paddle brush again. That was emotionally painful. LOL I’ll see how the next 6-8 weeks go. I was actually thinking about getting a weave next week, but I’m nervous that my hair is so soft my stylist won’t be able to braid it. Maybe I’ll give it a few weeks… See pics below.

hair with conditioner.jpg

hair with conditioner2.jpg

flatironed vs non flatironed hair.jpg


Brooklyn Queen,

Yes the blowdrying part was indeed horrifying wasn't it? LOL! I said I could not put myself through that again. There has got to be a better formula they can come up with. I loved that my hair was not tangled and would certainly love to have that again but I just cannot get past the blowdrying part. Great and funny post girl!
Vanillin is a phenolic aldehyde, an organic compound with the molecular formula C8H8O3. Its functional groups include aldehyde, ether, and phenol. It is the primary component of the extract of the vanilla bean. It is also found in roasted coffee[2] and the Chinese red pine. Synthetic vanillin, instead of natural vanilla extract, is sometimes used as a flavoring agent in foods, beverages, and pharmaceuticals.
Vanillin as well as ethylvanillin is used by the food industry. The ethyl is more expensive but has a stronger note. It differs from vanillin by having an ethoxy group (–O–CH2CH3) instead of a methoxy group (–O–CH3).
Natural "vanilla extract" is a mixture of several hundred different compounds in addition to vanillin. Artificial vanilla flavoring is a solution of pure vanillin, usually of synthetic origin. Because of the scarcity and expense of natural vanilla extract, there has long been interest in the synthetic preparation of its predominant component. The first commercial synthesis of vanillin began with the more readily available natural compound eugenol. Today, artificial vanillin is made from either guaiacol or from lignin, a constituent of wood which is a byproduct of the pulp industry. hth
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Delaware
Synthesis of Vanillin

Synthesis of Vanillin


Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde), a pleasant smelling aromatic compound, occurs naturally in vanilla beans. It is used widely as a flavoring additive for beverages, cooking, and as an aromatic additive for candles, incense, potpourri, fragrances, perfumes, and air fresheners. It may be isolated from the vanilla bean, and is often obtained as a byproduct of the pulp and paper industry by the oxidative breakdown of lignin. It may also be prepared by synthesis. We have developed (equation 1) a convenient two step synthesis of vanillin using electrophilic aromatic substitution, followed by an organometallic methoxylation procedure using copper bromide and sodium methoxide.
I'm not impressed. :(

And it doesn't take much to impress me. My hair is very puffy. I spent 5 hours on it and I'm stuck with puffy hair? This crap is going back. I'm not interested in this life at all. There's also reversion at the roots that I wish I could capture in a picture.
Sally's has a new keratin treatment for ethnic hair called Silk Elments Kera-Minerals...
The lady that cuts my hair does this treatment...i want less heat passes. I really love QOD Max Organiq. I am anxious to try the Silk Elements brand.

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Hmmmm...i did see the youtube vid for the chi and didnt like the fact that she said 5 or 6 passes is needed to seal in the treatment...i dont think thats necessary at 400+ degrees for my texture. I do like the fact that there arent any harsh chemicals. Do you mind sending me your stylists info via pm?