
I have been natural and struggling with shrinkage for too long. I finally got fed up and lightly texturized my hair. I used Revlon Realistic, which is a lye relaxeer. I applied it and left it on for 2 minutes. I basically just applied it and quickly ran my brush thru it. I rinsed out quickly. Now I have the hair that I love. Stil mostly natural, but with less shrinkage! I know now how to stretch my texturizers, so I will avoid last year's mistake.:lol: I now just lightly sprtz with water and conditioner and go. For extra hold I use my IC w. Sparkelites. I loved my hair natural , but the light texturizing cut my styling time in half. I am even able to twist my hair with less effort. :clapping:
I currently use revlon.... I haven't noticed anyone else really liking it though and someone gave it a bad review so I figured I should change and bought vitale (habven't used it yet). I haven't noticed anything bad myself, but then again I don't think I ever paid attention to how moisturized a relaxer leaves me, just as long as I wasn't underprocessed. I'm just afraid that with my newgrowth, Vitale might leave me underprocessed and I already have underprocessed hair and don't want to go through that again. I'm thinking I should just stick with the revlon. So how did you like it???
I really love using this relaxer. I at first thought it damaged my hair. After the poo my hair felt really dry, but after I used my faithful ORS conditioner, ohh, my hair was oh so soft and beautifully curly! yay: I only left it on for 2- 3 minutes tops because I just wanted to lightly texturize my hair. I used S-Curl texturizer in the past, and had ok results. This one just made my curls pop and in less time than the texturizer. This will be the relaxer I will use to touch up in 3 months. My hair looks more curly now, even without products to help define them. :)
i have a question, when you do your touch up, do you smooth/comb? or let it sit???

I used S Curl and find it to be quite gentle, this will be my first time doing just the new growth. On previous applications, you dont have to worry cos you apply throughout the hair (i had to correct it but am now happy with texture) but I have about an inch of NG. i will protect my texturized hair with conditioner/cholesterol and maybe base my scalp with oil not Vaseline.
I never used S-Curl to touch up my texturizer. Maybe I should have and maybe my texturizer boo boo would never have happenede last year. :lol: The S Curl text has directions on how to do the touch up.
I may be wrong, but a texturizer is a mild relaxer that is supposed to loosen your curl pattern some. a reg. relaxer is stronger than a texturizer because it makes your hair strait, in contrast a texturizer is used to make the hair have a curly or more wavy look. I used a regular relaxer to texturize my hair because I didn't want the texturizer to be on my head for a long time. I just wanted to loosen my texture slightly, which I did successfully w. this relaxer. I learned how to do this on this site, that's why I love it here. :yep: