New Questions First Please


Well-Known Member
Does anyone read these requests? If so, could we please close threads with over 100 reponses? We have threads that's been around over a year that's taking over new questions and comments that really need to be seen.
Why should they be closed? Some people search and that info may still be helpful to someone.

Eta: I just realized you probably mean locked so there can't be new posts that bump it to the first page. I was thinking you meant deleted. Lol Nevermind.
No worries... And you're right I meant Let's leave them for search purposes and information only. There's threads with over 5 thousand responses and they're some of the same responses over and over.... But like I said in my first sentence, I do not think anyone that can change things reads theses requests that often because no one responds except people like you and me that can't make a difference one way or the other.