New products, and back to basics regimen


Well-Known Member
The Problem
My hair was suffering from overall dryness, split ends, and knots. I knew that it was making my progress to mid-back length difficult, so I decided to look at my regimen and see if there was anything to fix.

What I was doing (abbreviated version) leading up to the regimen change:
Finger detangling in the shower every four-five days or so. Co washing 5-6 days weekly. Hadn't done much deep treating in about four weeks. Using red palm oil and castor oil as moisturizer and sealant. Using Smooth and Shine CAG (mixed with honeyquat, sodium lactate, and SAA). Wearing buns and french rolls as my daily style. I rarely use heat, and haven't heat straightened since June.

The Solutions
Problem: Suffering from mondo knots.
Solution: My hair needs to be detangled weekly with a tool. Finger detangling does not work as the sole process for my hair because I shed a lot and all that hair gets stuck and forms the tangles and knots. The problem was that I was starting to loathe the Denman 4 because it was taking too darn long. Went back to weekly with a Denman, but I switched to the Denman 83, which I'd bought when I first went natural. My hair was too short to get any benefit then, but I love it now--detangling went much faster, and I got a good scalp massage too.

Problem: Suffering from dryness.
Solution: I love red palm butter on top of wet hair, but I was wondering if it was doing the job I wanted it to do. I tried some new product combos and settled on a new product that I LOVE: Alba Botanica Leave-In Conditioner (in a tube, not a bottle). Sometimes I mix the product with Giovanni Direct Leave-In when I want a little more protein. I'm sealing with castor oil alone or castor with a little butter.

Also, I could NOT get away with not deep treating once a week or once every two weeks. I still use yogurt, honey, oils, etc. but I've added ghee (big ups to DLewis) and Jessicurl Too Shea. I love the addition of both of these products into my DT. The Too Shea has been a favorite of mine for years--I just don't like to order online, but have found a local supplier.

Problem: Suffering from Split ends
Solution: I will always suffer from some single strand knots and splits. My strands are very fine, and my coils seems to have barbed wire on the strands sometimes--they just clump and twist together and I have to literally "pull" the strands apart--even right after detangling. But my splits have been minimized with my new reggie.

My other new product: Jane Carter Condition and Sculpt: This product, mixed with the Smooth and Shine CAG, gives me second day hair. With adding a moisturizing spritz product (homemade) back into my reggie, I can now go three days without a cowash, which I think is better for my hair.

Other noteworthy products: Max Green Alchemy Scalp Rescue Stying Gel; Max Green Alchemy Texture Paste; Aveda Humectant Pomade (just a bit on top as a finish).

Now, my hair is more moisturized, has better hang, feels great, and has reduced knots, tangles, and split ends.

Just wanted to give an update so that it might help someone else suffering from any of these issues--and of course, feed the PJ monster. :grin: