New pictures!


New Member
Ok I finally got up a couple of pictures in my album. PLEASE ignore my swollen cheeks and mouth because i had all four of my wisdom teeth cut out yesterday! I'm still VERY swollen in that area so that accounts for the extra round head! Aside from that I hope you enjoy!

PW is longcurls
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Aww...your hair reminds me of a baby's hair! Thoft and curly! Cute!

Did you BC from the length in your avi? I wanna see the before pics so will you hurry up and put some in the before BC album.

Good luck on your new journey!
lol this is actually my third time doing a BC. the first time i did it from relaxed WL hair...the second time i did it from the pic in my avi and this time i did it from growing it out after the second time. this is definately my last time tho and i will put some pictures up today hopefully!
I hope you feel better! I had my wisdom teeth out last DEC. I know how you feel. I was tired of yogurt,applesauce,and jello. I loved the icecream though! I lost a couple of pounds too!
Nonie said:
Aww...your hair reminds me of a baby's hair! Thoft and curly! Cute! QUOTE]

Your hair does look like a baby's! Nice, soft texture. It'll be cool to watch your journey :)