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New Member
I was finally able to get back into my fotki account after being locked out of it and not being able to get my old password :eek: ... well it made me miss using my fotki account, so I just updated it- click on my siggy's link - password in profile.
Just thought I would share ;)

-also keep in mind that I am slowly cutting my ends to even it out into a U-shape :)
I am so jealous!!!!!!!!!! Let me get this straight, you rollerset your own hair and blow it out? Dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only hair I can blow dry well is my Pomeranian's :mad: I've tried to do it to my own hair and it looks a mess. Your hair is beautiful, keep up the good work!!!

I looked at your album and your hair is beautiful!!!!
Thanks ladies!!
...please don't be jealous prettyhatian! I'm sure you can get the same results at home if you give it a try ;)