New pics in my fotki

den1 said:
your hair is AWESOME.its thick and healthy. loving the shine too. great progress

Wow, thank you den1...coming from you, I must be doing something right. Your hair is AWESOME too!!! I've been thinking about your mixture of sulfur and stuff, and I'm going to give it a try. I saw your website and its great! You give great tips on hair and everything. Maybe you should patent your idea and begin to market it. You might be on to something that could make you a very, rich woman.

Blessings to you.
Nice & Wavy said:
Wow, thank you den1...coming from you, I must be doing something right. Your hair is AWESOME too!!! I've been thinking about your mixture of sulfur and stuff, and I'm going to give it a try. I saw your website and its great! You give great tips on hair and everything. Maybe you should patent your idea and begin to market it. You might be on to something that could make you a very, rich woman.

Blessings to you.
Aww thank-you but i feel that my hair is far from perfect....i have a long way to go before i'm entirely happy with it. let me know when if you decide to try the mix, i'd like to hear from anyone who achives good results, i want to add a testimonials section on the site. If i my ideas become successful i may decide to get it marketed. leave everything to God. thanks again. btw how long have you been taking vitamins? do you have a good diet? sorry if i'm being nosy i thought of another great idea, i want to see whether having a good diet effects health of the hair, and i'm hoping to reinforce the idea and document my findings on the site.
Hey Denise,

I was on you site before I saw this post. Your hair is very shiny and healthy looking. Do you shed any at all? Your hair is so it because of the MSM?
AllAboutTheHair said:
Hey Denise,

I was on you site before I saw this post. Your hair is very shiny and healthy looking. Do you shed any at all? Your hair is so it because of the MSM?
Hi girl, i haven't heard from you in a while i was just admiring your natural hair pics, reminds me a lot of my hair. thanks for the compliment. Yes, i do still shed, its more a healthy shedding, especially since changing some of my bad dietary habits and including supplements. i also noticed that my braids are thicker, i believe that's due to msm sulfur.
den1 said:
Aww thank-you but i feel that my hair is far from perfect....i have a long way to go before i'm entirely happy with it. let me know when if you decide to try the mix, i'd like to hear from anyone who achives good results, i want to add a testimonials section on the site. If i my ideas become successful i may decide to get it marketed. leave everything to God. thanks again. btw how long have you been taking vitamins? do you have a good diet? sorry if i'm being nosy i thought of another great idea, i want to see whether having a good diet effects health of the hair, and i'm hoping to reinforce the idea and document my findings on the site.

I've been taking them faithfully since July of 2005. My diet is good, I eat lots of veggies/fruit and I do get my protein in, (not enough though) I drink lots of water everyday and I love whole grain foods. I have to eat lots of iron rich/whole grain foods because of my iron levels (they are low from a condition) and my cholestrol levels were up a bit. I love MILK!!! I drink 1% milk as much as I can. My calcium levels are very good. I try to stay away from sweets, but I do love fruit & nut granola bars. They are sooooooo gooooooddddd!!!!!:grin:

I know that having a good diet, along with exercise is very beneficial for hair, skin and nails. When you aren't taking in all the things you need, it shows.
Nice & Wavy said:
I've been taking them faithfully since July of 2005. My diet is good, I eat lots of veggies/fruit and I do get my protein in, (not enough though) I drink lots of water everyday and I love whole grain foods. I have to eat lots of iron rich/whole grain foods because of my iron levels (they are low from a condition) and my cholestrol levels were up a bit. I love MILK!!! I drink 1% milk as much as I can. My calcium levels are very good. I try to stay away from sweets, but I do love fruit & nut granola bars. They are sooooooo gooooooddddd!!!!!:grin:

I know that having a good diet, along with exercise is very beneficial for hair, skin and nails. When you aren't taking in all the things you need, it shows.
Thank-you very much for taking the time to post all this information, i'm going to save this info, it will help me with my own dietary needs, and my research. you eat very healthy, one day i will be like you lol.
den1 said:
Thank-you very much for taking the time to post all this information, i'm going to save this info, it will help me with my own dietary needs, and my research. you eat very healthy, one day i will be like you lol.

Thank you for all the information you take time to give to us. You are blessed and highly favored!
Your hair is very pretty!!!It looks very healthy and thick and I love the shine. The waves are really beautiful.
scorpian said:
Your hair is very pretty!!!It looks very healthy and thick and I love the shine. The waves are really beautiful.

thank you, scorpian...I guess I'm doing the right things to my hair. I can't wait until i'm able to be all natural...that will make me happy!!!
ThinNnappy said:
Your hair is very pretty, how long was it when you started?

Thank you. My hair was right at the end of my earlobe. It has grown so much since then. It now is past my shoulders, but not bra strap length yet. I'm looking for that to happen soon!