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New Member
These are my braids. which i have put in myself. Since i didnt have money for a mannequin and i kept forgettin to get one i just decided to go ahead and do it on myself, esp since i was tired of doing my own hair all the time and i wanted braids real bad anyway.
You did a god job with the cornrows and braids Keke. Was this your first time doing individuals? And how in the world do you part your hair so fancy?
Your braids look so pretty and neat
you did a really good job
You did a good don't need a manequin girl, you got the technique down! It really looks good!
I really like your braids. When i have some time, and money I will try to braid my own hair.
thank you, thank you. yes it didnt take me too long and for next time im going to get the right kind of synt hair cause this hair is like WOE in thickness. sheesh. i also have some read hair so i maaay try that too. im gonna plan on keeping these in for about a month maybe a bit long(month and a week or 2) then about a week or 2 after having my hair rest out of braids i'll put some back in. that shouldn't be bad for the hair is it? with it being this thick its very good because 1)wont break my hair off as easily because of more hair to hold onto 2)less time to put in and less time to put out. my mom loves it she told me today. :^D i'll b in class soon so hopefully i'll hear it from others. :^D

ps. im blushin over the professional comment natasha :0
sorry about ignoring the questions u had army. I didnt do the cornrows i went to a pro for that(thats the NEXT challenge to know how to do cornrows period) and as for the parting on the one i did thats new i started off parting equally tryin to keep them lined up right to have them all in nice str8 boxes but then when it came to the back i got tired of doing all that so i said so what and just started grabbing hair that was a good amount and start puttin braids in it. I didnt go in any order of it anymore i just parted w/my fingers and took out a certain amount of hair i wanted and put the braid to it. I used hair clips to keep the hair down and out of the way or the braiding. they worked amazingly well i couldnt believe it but they were good. The comb kept fallin out and lettin hairs get in the way :^P. Yes this is my first time doing these. Actually this is my 2nd 'attempt' to do this but i was afraid i'd get tired and would mess up but now i am soo happy this worked. gotta compliment in class today. So far every1 is loving it
:D:D:D(blushin 'mad' hard)