New Photos in Fotki - Welcome to View

january noir

Sunny On a Cloudy Day
Good Sunday Ladies,

I've been working on my Fotki since I created it on 11/17.
I have been busy since I am using a "borrowed" digital camera and need to return it soon (like tomorrow! :lol: ). If anyone is interested you are welcome to view (I like the slideshow).

Psst...please tell Santa I want a nice digital camera for being a good girl!
pw = poostrands

Have a blessed day!
mysweetevie said:
Found another similar hair texture :clap: I love your rollerset and I will try the sassy cream too


Let's be "Hair Sistas!"

Feel free to view my Journal here on LHCF. Perhaps you can help me with tips and things. Your hair is absolutely beautiful; any advice is surely welcome. I'll share anything that has been working for me, but I'm a :newbie: and I've got MILES to GO!