New, need help ASAP please.


New Member
I have (had) very long (over 50 inches) hair. It is fine and straight. For several years now I've used a Clairol deposit-only color gloss. At that time it was recommended to me to help my hair be stronger and get longer. It worked and it seemed to be a wonderful thing for my hair.

Fast forward to this summer. I was under a tremendous amount of stress and we were traveling. I noticed I was having a bit of hair fall, not much really, but I had next to none before. Someone suggested not using the gloss any longer to give my hair a break so I stopped.

I began using a homemade shampoo with gelatin and coconut milk, rinsing in vinegar or aloe vera. I was already taking a lot of b vitamins and herbs. We've been healthy eaters and natural-treaters for a long time. I made a rinse from rosemary tea (I made from fresh rosemary) and hibiscus, used some lavender oil.

I ordered a Brahmi/Amla oil from Amazon but they sent me the wrong thing 3 different times so I gave up.

I heard about some Neelibringadi oil and purchased some with the ingredients (and without) that were recommended. I put it on my scalp and hair last night and this morning I woke up with a burned scalp and a TON of hair came out - way more than ever before. My scalp is literally burned and red and raw and hurting. I've put some aloe vera on it but I'm in quite a panic and don't know what to do. The brand I used is Kalan and the ingredients don't show any type of chemicals or metals and the website stated there were no metals.

I have half the hair I used to have and since stopping the gloss and using only oils, the hair I still have is dry and has split ends and is breaking off. I am really tempted to go back to the gloss.

Tell me why I shouldn't?

Tell me what I SHOULD do?

HELP me please! What do I do now? I am just sick.
Please go to the doctor. If you can't make it to the emergency room or your normal doctor, there are urgent care centers that accept walk-ins for cash. This sounds serious.
Give your hair a break from using products on your hair and scalp.

If the Clairol gloss was working for you initially, go back to using it once your hair and scalp recovers.

Ingredients in the Neelibringadi oil: Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Cow milk, Nili (Indigofera tinctoria), Bhrngaraja (Eclipta alba), Shatakratulata (Cordispermum helicacabum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Gunjamula (Arbus precatus), Daruharidra (Coscinium fenestratum).
Give your hair a break from using products on your hair and scalp.

If the Clairol gloss was working for you initially, go back to using it once your hair and scalp recovers.

Ingredients in the Neelibringadi oil: Coconut oil, Sesame oil, Cow milk, Nili (Indigofera tinctoria), Bhrngaraja (Eclipta alba), Shatakratulata (Cordispermum helicacabum), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Gunjamula (Arbus precatus), Daruharidra (Coscinium fenestratum).

I don't even know what half of those ingredients are...OP it sounds like you had an allergic reaction even if the ingredients were 100% natural. Go to the doctor and let your hair breathe for a bit.
Thank you. Actually the ingredients in this bottle that I have are:

Emblica Officianalis, Indigofera tinctoria, Cardiospermum Helicacabums, Eclipta Alba, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Roots of Abrusprecatorius, Plumbi Sulphoratum, Goats milk, Cow's milk, She-buffalo's milk, Coconut milk, Coconut Oil.

I've read that silicones and the like are bad for the hair so I didn't know if using the gloss color was bad? Was my hair good or just being held together by the gloss color?

I'm sick mostly because it will take years to get my hair back that I've lost. It was so long.

Any other suggestions? I can't seem to stop crying! Besides Aloe, what else would be soothing to my scalp?

Has anyone else used this oil? Did it have the same effect? What can I use instead? What ingredient could have caused the problem?
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Thank you. Actually the ingredients in this bottle that I have are:

Emblica Officianalis, Indigofera tinctoria, Cardiospermum Helicacabums, Eclipta Alba, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Roots of Abrusprecatorius, Plumbi Sulphoratum, Goats milk, Cow's milk, She-buffalo's milk, Coconut milk, Coconut Oil.

I've read that silicones and the like are bad for the hair so I didn't know if using the gloss color was bad? Was my hair good or just being held together by the gloss color?

I'm sick mostly because it will take years to get my hair back that I've lost. It was so long.

Any other suggestions? I can't seem to stop crying! Besides Aloe, what else would be soothing to my scalp?

Has anyone else used this oil? Did it have the same effect? What can I use instead? What ingredient could have caused the problem?

I could always Google it, but no idea what "Emblica Officianalis, Indigofera tinctoria, Cardiospermum Helicacabums, Eclipta Alba, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Roots of Abrusprecatorius, Plumbi Sulphoratum" are.

I know going to the hospital can be an inconvenience at times, but it sounds like you're having a pretty severe allergic reaction. I really would seek medical care if I were you and as someone else said would allow my scalp time to recover before doing anything else to it.
Please seek the advice of a medical professional for this situation asap. As described it sounds pretty severe, I'm not sure any of us here a qualified to give you a proper/accurate diagnosis over the net. Once you've gotten a proper diagnosis, I'm sure we can chime in a little more having that information.
Emblica Officianalis - amla
Indigofera tinctoria - indigo
Cardiospermum Helicacabums - I don't know
Eclipta Alba - bhringraj
Glycyrrhiza glabra - licorice
Abrusprecatorius - I don't know
Plumbi Sulphoratum - I don't know

People are generally OK with the amla, indigo and bhringraj. Licorice and the stuff I don't know could be the source of any allergic reaction. I'd go to the doctor or ER.
Thank you all for your help. I guess I'm not really asking for a diagnosis, sorry, I'm just a little stressed. I was looking more for recommendations on what to use for my hair to stop it from falling out. And to find out what is actually wrong with using dimethicones and the like? I'm sure the gloss I was using had them in it and I was also using Pantene Long Lengths conditioner (not on the scalp). I keep reading not to use them but I'm not sure why! As long as I was using it, my hair was doing well (or seemed to be doing well). So does it damage your hair and I didn't know it until I stopped or ??? I'm really confused.

I'm not sure how to know what caused the reaction on my scalp but I certainly won't be using this product any longer. I live in a small town and there is only urgent care. There is no dermatologist here. I basically have no one to ask that's why I'm here.
^^Go to urgent care to have them treat your burns. Then lay off any new oils and what not. When it has healed go back to the gloss.
OP I get what you're wondering. I used to wonder if my hair was really healthy or just looked healthy. But if you grew 50 inches of hair you must be doing something right. Do you have pics? I would love to see that much hair.

For your current situation I second all the other opinions about seeing a doctor or urgent care.
Yeah most definitely that's a allergic reaction. People think just because ingredients are natural they can't be allergic, next time when you try something new, put a couple on drops on a small section and wait 24 hrs to see how your scalp reacts. Even with henna they tell you to test on your skin first and see how it reacts. They say with gloss your hair as to be in perfect shape because when you gloss your hair it seals in whatever state your hair is in, so if your hair is protein and moisture based and retaining enough moisture and not to much and not to little, that is the best time to gloss. It has been said not to gloss when your hair is breaking and dry. So when you were glossing, you hair was in its best health state so your hair was able to flourish with glosses
50 inches of hair and you don't post pics? Girl, stop it! lol

P.S. The ladies have given you some good advice in this thread so far.