New Member


New Member
Hey everyone!
I'm Aisha... Just joined :grin:, and I'm a little overwhelmed with where I should start????

Any tips on how I should go about combing through the site? And finding tips for hair growth? I've been natural for 2 years. Still trying to figure out what works best for me. Lol, it hasn't been easy! Anyways, I wanted to start a hair growth journey, and I hope to find some tips/answers from you ladies.

Welcome Aisha88! This site can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning 'tis true. There is a Search this forum link on the Hair Car Tips & Product Review Discussion page, you can start there.

It would also help if you could tell us whether you are relaxed or natural, if you have any specific length goals etc. There is a wealth of info the LHCF ladies can provide. Have fun and Happy Hair Journey!
Hey Girl Hey :hug2:

:welcome: to the site.

I've been lurking on here since 2010, but I recently became active paying member since earlier this year and I LOVE IT! To be truthful I sorta just felt my way through, however I will say that the search bar became my best friend. This may not be much help, but I'm trying :lol:.

Welcome and I hope to see you in the threads soon:yep:.
Hi!! Welcome to the group! I second using the search bar and the stickies at the top. There's so much info on this site! Enjoy and welcome!
I didn't think people would reply so quick! OR at all !

Thank you ladies for the warm greetings, and welcomes.

Just as a little background, I've also been a lurker for years :blush:
I've actually just recently jumped the gun, and decided to become a member, so I could reap the full benefits of membership.

I am natural.
2 Years ! :grin: :grin:
Currently a little past shoulder length (although I think I'm gonna chop a lot off, and start fresh)
& A natural-based product junkie

My goal is to be at least close to BSL, or MBSL by around May.
Is that realistic?

Thanks for the "search engine" advice. I'm searching away, as I type!
Welcome! Just take you time & have a look around..So much info.

Happy Hair Growing!
Welcome, Aisha! :wave:

Once you've got a taking to what your hair needs, it'll grow and you'll retain length. Take your time to look around the site and get to know and enjoy your hair.

:welcome3: We love new comers because it makes our chats more interesting. Make sure to join some challenges. That is where we share our tips.

Since you said you are a product junkie, be sure to sell or trade the products that you aren't using in the product exchange thread.
Welcome. The ladies have already given great advice on where to start. Hope to see you around in the challenges.
Welcome :yay:
I second, or is it third or fourth, the suggestions to use the search button and to join a challenge or two.
And you need to post some pichas :grin:

and Welcome!!!

I agree....searching is gonna be a life saver :yep:

Sometimes I have to remember not to stay on LHCF too long cause Ive gotta do things like eat and use the bathroom. Soo much information!!! Typical Aquarius....I just have to know!

See ya around!
Thank you for all the warm welcomes!

I will definitely get around to posting some pictures around tomorrow.

All of you ladies have such healthy long hair ! :shocked:

I'm drooling looking at all of these photos/fotkis !
When I first joined I would spend hours and hours just reading. What I found helpful was reading the stickies, taking notes from tips and regimens of others and also the feature of the months.

Then going through and seeing what works for my hair or not. Good luck on your journey and reaching your goals!! :hug3: