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New Member
hi, I'm new to the board, and I am glad that I found you guys.
I have a few questions to asks so bear with me. I am a product junkie and I am proud of it.

1. I have 4a/b hair. It is very coarse and can be very dry at times. I work in a factory so that may have something to do with it. I've been lurking for a few months now. My hair grows so fast and the new growth is out of control that i need a relaxer every four weeks, i know it's overprocessing, but my hair dressing says, that's just the way my hair grows.
I have followed all the suggestions, I got a relaxer on saturday, but because I sweat when I do my job I conditioner washed it with mizani moisturefuse, it was alright, but I bought some herbal essences hydrating conditioner, and will try that later on. I have bought the essential oils, but I want to know do i need to rinse them out whenever I use them? I put a mix of olive oil, a little bit of honey, pure refined coconut oil and jojoba oil on my hair but it kinda made my hair itchy, and I didn't rinse it out. My hair wasn't dry at all, but still it was too greasy, I may have used too much. So I kind of rinsed it out. The crown of my head has lots of breakage, because 1) I got braids a few months ago(will never get braids again) 2) my hair is so thick that I have to section my hair off and oil it by layers. I've bought products, which I do not mind doing, and I think I have sorta a regimen down. I just need to learn the basics. I want to learn how to take care of my hair, and this is a great place to learn. Does anyone know if Paul Mitchell's tea tree oil shampoo is good for the hair? I have a big bottle, I bought last year, I'm trying to resurrect it. I haven't used heat on my hair for a few months now. I go to the hairdresser's every two weeks, but I wasn't washing my hair in between visits, but I'm ready to now. I used some heat a couple of weeks ago when I did my first shampoo/conditioner. My hooded dryer gets too hot, so i've decided to forgo the dryer this summer. My mom gave me silk scarves to wear to bed, so that's help. My hair used to shed, but it does not anymore thanks to you guys. My hair needs to correct itself. Thanks for any input you can give me.

Hi and Welcome to the board. I'm new also. I work in construction where there is a lot of dust. I have to wear a mask or choke. I used to wear a satin scarf to work and my hair was always dry. Now I wear two or three scarves to work. I don't know how I will deal with that when it gets hot
. I moisturize before go to work and when I come home. Someone suggested that I try Mango Butter by QP I love it and smells yummy too.
I have seen much improvement. My hair is not as dry as before and no more crazy breaking. I drink about 60 oz. of water a day. More members will give you more info.
Hey keesh, it sounds like we have similar type hair-mine is very thick and grows fast. I would start off by taking control of your hair, it seems like your dependent on your hairdresser. Another thing, you CAN stretch your touch-ups, you don't have to do it every 4 weeks. Your beautician will tell you that so that you can keep going back to her and pay her money for those expensive relaxers. I get my touch ups every 15-18 weeks (I know that may sound crucial) but I've experienced better growth as a result. I think you should consider stretching out those touchups because if you're trying to achieve growth, this will probably hinder it by making it overprocessed. You may think that you need a perm because you just may be experiencing breakage. This breakage occurs when the demarcation line (where the new growth ends and the relaxed hair starts) is very extreme and when you come your hair, you're pulling it out-be more gentle when you come it. I used to get my touchups every 7 weeks and thought I needed a perm, but I thought that because I would try to achieve "flat looking" hair styles, but the new growth was too thick so then I would have a relaxer put in my hair. When you start to reach the 4 week point, why don't you try to switch to a style that has more body (like a roller set or fat braid set) to give the illusion that your hair is full instead of wanting it to be straight so quick. Right now, I'm going on my 12th week, I have 3 more weeks to go before my next touch up (the fat braid set works great for me instead of my regular wrap set!) All I have to do is just wash/condition/braid and the next day, let the braids out and I have a crinkly textured look-and it's cute! I've tried Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo, I liked it, but I like Nexxus and Aveda better. I think you should stick with the hood dryer (while conditioning your hair). I always wrap a towel around my neck to prevent the heat from getting on my back, neck and shoulders. Don't give that up, but definitely eliminate the heat that you use on your hair daily-that's if you use curling irons, blow dryers, etc. I love silk scarves! About 3 times out of the week I would put pure jojoba oil in my hair and put a shower cap on to bed, then the next day I would wear a protective style to work. I wear a uniform to work everyday so I can get away with this (my hair has to be off my collar) , if you wear your's down, I wouldn't recommend it because it will weigh your hair down. It's a good oil treatment and my breakage stopped immediately. It seems like you're on the right track, if you have any other questions, we're here to help you out!
Thanks, I appreciate everything you guys have told me. I washed my hair today, but it felt like paper. My scalp felt a little better with the paul mitchell tea tree shampoo, but i'm going to take the suggestion to try aveda. I just bought some parnevu tea tree scalp oil and some dark and lovely almond rain oil mist. They made my hair feel great. I drink lots of water everyday and take a multi-vitamin, an iron pill(i'm anemic) and an oyster shell calcium pill. I might ask my doctor about some other vitamins though. Ill talk to my hair dresser and see what she says. I am slowly weening myself off of her by reading the boards. I stopped my shedding myself, with the help of the boards, that right there made me a believer. As soon as my doctor figures out what happened to my knee, it's swollen and hurts, Ill get back to my exercising.
Thanks for the info.
Welcome to the board, Keeshefromindy
I use to stay in Indy about 7 years ago. I use to work at the steering gear plant. Okay, sorry I got side tracked.
You will definitely love this board. There is so much info to learn from. I have a girl friend who received relaxers every 4 weeks also. Her hair grew fast also, but it was continually breaking and it is very, very thick. I gave her some Creme of Nature shampoo in the green and white bottle w/ the yellow top. I also gave her some Pantene Intensive Moisturizing conditioner for relaxed & natural hair(identical to Pantene Smooth and Sleek conditioner). These products worked well for her hair!! She moisturized w/ Kemi oil. Her dryness as improved. I hope this information helps you. Again, welcome to the board..
Welcome aboard, Keesh!

I'm from Indy as well. Which side of the city are you from?
We are all here for you, should you have any questions that you want answered.
Babycurls, i'm actually from a small town north of Indiana, I wanted to use the complete Indiana, but it wouldn't fit. I'm glad someone from indy is on here though because I want to know all about the hair supplies in Indy, I travel there all the time.