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New Member
Hi everyone. I'm Tai. I stumbled upon this site from a recommendation from a Amazon review of Carolyn Gray's book, which I just purchased. I became addicted so I had to join.
There is so much useful information here, more than I've ever gotten from any other source (especially my hair stylist, even though I love her). I've already went out and started buying my vitamins/supplements and now I'm working on products. I'm already a PJ so I'm afraid this site will hurt my poor pocketbook
According to Andre's book my hair type would be a 3b/3c. I have just bought Aubrey's Island shampoo & GBC conditioner and Suave's Milk & Honey. After hearing raves, I'm off to Trade Secret to pick up Kenra's Moisturizing shampoo & conditioner...see the PJ in me is showing.
I've been scanning the pages and I do have a few questions. First, with shoulder length, thick, relaxed hair, approx how long will it take to airdry it in a wrap or in the ponytail method or should I just sit under a bonnet dryer? When I wrap (this will be the first time I'm doing one) do I use a wide tooth comb or do I have to use a rattail to make it smooth? I also want to try an Affirm relaxer my next go round (currently use Cream of Nature herbarich no-lye). Is there anyplace to buy it online?

Hi Tai, welcome.i'll try to answer your questions the best i can.
i have brastrap length hair and it takes me 4-6 hrs to completely airdry loose, i've noticed that serums help my hair dry muchhhhh faster(could be my imagination though). i dont wrap it while it's wet,wayyy tooo much work and should try the pony tail method or just leave it loose.when i do wrap i use a wide tooth comb then a small tooth to make it can get affirm online from but they only sell it in the large size for 40 something.
Hi Tai, wet wrapping your hair is firstly very difficult if you are not used to doing it on dry hair first. I am pro at dry hair wrapping but wet hair wrapping is more hassle than its worth. To do it, you need a rattail comb so it is smooth and you need to brush it with a boar bristle brush once its in place. In terms of drying time, when my hair was your length it could take at least 2-3 hours to dry under the dryer, I cant imagine how long it would take to air dry, especially with thick hair like mine. In regards to your relaxer switch, it appears that you are going from no-lye to lye (I could be wrong), if so, be very careful...